Comment 33 for bug 1235231

Revision history for this message
Scott Moser (smoser) wrote :

Using a build from current lp:ubuntu/plymouth that has steve's fix for bug 1160079 inside it, I no longer am losing data written to the console!

I've tested this in a trusty kvm local image.
disk-patched.img had the new debs installed
disk-unpatched.img did not.
both images had run on them (so the logging init-wrapper was in place).

$ cat go-test.txt
rm -f "$LOG"
while i=$(($i+1)) && [ $i -le 10 ]; do
  echo "---- $(date) $i ----" >> "$LOG"
  for r in patched unpatched; do
    qemu-img create -f qcow2 -b disk1-$r.img disk1.img
    slog=$(printf "serial-%s-%02d.log" "$r" "$i")
    echo "---- $(date) $i $r ----" >> "$LOG"
    kvm -net nic -net user,hostfwd=tcp::2222-:22 \
       -drive file=disk1.img,if=virtio -drive file=seed.img,if=virtio \
       -serial "file:$slog" -vga none -nographic

echo "--- $(date) FINISHED ---" >> "$LOG"

$ cat user-data
password: passw0rd
chpasswd: { expire: False }
ssh_pwauth: True
 mode: poweroff
 message: "Bye Bye"

$ for f in serial-*.log; do echo $f: $(grep "XX:" $f | wc -l); done
serial-patched-01.log: 103
serial-patched-02.log: 103
serial-patched-03.log: 103
serial-patched-04.log: 103
serial-patched-05.log: 103
serial-patched-06.log: 103
serial-patched-07.log: 103
serial-patched-08.log: 103
serial-patched-09.log: 103
serial-patched-10.log: 103
serial-unpatched-01.log: 80
serial-unpatched-02.log: 82
serial-unpatched-03.log: 81
serial-unpatched-04.log: 80
serial-unpatched-05.log: 79
serial-unpatched-06.log: 84
serial-unpatched-07.log: 80
serial-unpatched-08.log: 83
serial-unpatched-09.log: 82
serial-unpatched-10.log: 82