Comment 2 for bug 571752

Revision history for this message
Nathan Stratton Treadway (nathanst) wrote :

I was also able to use "ldapmodify" to make the necessary changes:

* shut down slapd, removed the two lines I had added manually, restarted slapd, and confirmed that the three test searches were not returning any results

* created the file "frontend_acls.ldif" using the input lines given in bug #427842

* ran the command
  # ldapmodify -Y EXTERNAL -H ldapi:/// -f frontend_acls.ldif

As soon as I did that, the three test commands started returning data again.

Using ldapmodify instead of editing the {-1}frontend.ldif file directly has the advantage of allowing the LDAP server to work out the proper indexes for the olcAccess lines even if the user has added some such lines already. However ldapmodify requires that the slapd server be running, so it would probably be difficult to do from within the slapd.postinst script.