Comment 2 for bug 1645274

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Christian Ehrhardt  (paelzer) wrote :

I subscribed several of you who were contributors to the last uploads of multipath-tools.
I've added a dep8 test realizing that there was none, but that can't cover as much as I'd like.

I have made a ppa of the current state of the merge available for extra testing at:

@Mathieu / Mauricio
As much as time permits I'd ask you to test whatever you formerly used to test your uploads on that ppa.
Also you certainly had special cases triggering your former uploads it would be great if you could at least throw those against it that would be possible without too much effort.

@Ryan - did you come up with a tweak to utilize the curtin vmtests witha a ppa or a custom image - I think this would be a great opportunity for some extra cross tests before an actual upload.
Even if you have nothing already please contact me to discuss if we could create something.