Comment 17 for bug 72663

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In , René du R. Sacramento (reneduani) wrote :

Braun said it very clear and synthetic: "What the user wants: Open the program, start a training session."

"Open lecture.." or "default lectures" and "keyboard layouts" are necessary to do this currently. These three are in separate menus, not very intuitively placed or organized.

I thought about an new organization in 4 menus: File (it could also be called "Lecture"), Stats, Settings, Help (names obviously open to be improved) . I don't see an reason for an "file" menu in ktouch. If it is not prohibited, you can exclude this menu and make 4 menus: Lectures, Stats, Settings, Help (names obviously open to be improved). If it is, then call the Lectures menu of File.

* Under the File/Lecture menu go: Open default lecture, Open lecture from a file..., Edit current lecture, Edit lecture from a file... (Instead of "open" the word "load" can be used. I think it is a bit more adequate, but not much difference)
* Under the Stats go: Start new session, Pause session and Lecture Statistics. ("Re-start session" could be an more appropriate name for "Start new session", as far as I perceived how it works, but I can be wrong)
* The settings menu would remain essentially the same, with only the addition of "Edit color scheme.../Custom color scheme..." inside "Color Schemes"
* The help menu remains the same

In addition to that, while we are at improving usability, the lessions and keyboards layouts should be organized in the menus by language, each one with an country flag attached to it. It will be more and more important as the number of keyboard and lessions shipped with the program grow as I hope it will do. So, to select an lesson for me in this new organization I would (hopefully) go: File > Open Default Lecture > Brazilian Portuguese > QUERTY ABNT2 (auto-generated)/br-nativo (defaut lesson)/br-nativo (combo/speed training)/dvorak-br/whatever , for example. The lecture should automatically load the correct keyboard layout, but leave the possibility to the user change this as it is now. I will fill an new bug about this.

As for one point that others said, the "default lectures" already load all lectures at /opt/kde3/share/apps/ktouch/ every time that you restart the program. So it is not necessary to remap "Open lecture..." to it.

PS: By the way, if you will do the language separation thing in the menu, please separate Brazilian Portuguese/Português do Brasil from "Portuguese" that is Portugal's Portuguese. This for keyboard layouts too, because for some reason we have two quite different standarts, with different number of keys and characters positions in that keys. Then, inside them, we have the variations of key positions. I don't know about the other Portuguese speaker countries, but I assume that they use one of these two general types. ;)