Comment 23 for bug 570828

Revision history for this message
Launchpad Janitor (janitor) wrote :

This bug was fixed in the package gnome-system-tools - 2.30.2-1ubuntu4

gnome-system-tools (2.30.2-1ubuntu4) maverick; urgency=low

  * Fix LP: #570828 - gnome-network-admin on UbuntuStudio doesnt allow
    to configure either wired networks or wireless. Expose the
    connections tab and locations combo box on derivatives that don't use
    Network Manager
    - update debian/patches/10_disable_interfaces.patch
  * Fix LP: #529744 - When creating a new user, "Shortname" should
    really be "Username"
    - add debian/patches/12_users_string_change.patch
    - update debian/patches/series
 -- Chris Coulson <email address hidden> Mon, 23 Aug 2010 17:04:08 +0100