Comment 19 for bug 1895358

Revision history for this message
James Grey (jg-user-00000001) wrote :

I am using the latest libc6-dev, 2.31-0ubuntu9.2. I guess it's possible I ran into the same issue from a different angle, so to speak, and that the fix does not cover my corner case, which is running clang-tidy and clang-sa against clang compiled code. The initial compile works fine but the analysis stage throws a clang-diagnostic-error when it tries to analyze files that include tgmath.h, which is why I'm here. Even looking at newer versions on;O=D I don't seen any change in the tgmath.h file from 2.31 to 2.34. I'm at a loss as to when and how this was fixed, and where I can access the fix.