fonttools 4.54.1-4build1 source package in Ubuntu


fonttools (4.54.1-4build1) plucky; urgency=medium

  * No-change rebuild to add support for Python 3.13.

 -- Matthias Klose <email address hidden>  Thu, 14 Nov 2024 10:53:22 +0100

Upload details

Uploaded by:
Matthias Klose
Uploaded to:
Original maintainer:
Debian Fonts Team
any all
Medium Urgency

See full publishing history Publishing

Series Pocket Published Component Section


File Size SHA-256 Checksum
fonttools_4.54.1.orig.tar.xz 2.5 MiB c0313a540367da873c8d5fe3a19280e65c5cd88c402c4f0002b5792c095dc406
fonttools_4.54.1-4build1.debian.tar.xz 12.0 KiB 6104c0eef58586b31f9b8bde51fcae6294107a5316b2c1286cdd365215318894
fonttools_4.54.1-4build1.dsc 3.2 KiB 2c22a635af8df1e6d89ef0c2c101b35237d97bb12ad35a77e49b03b5c1ae79ea

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Binary packages built by this source

fonttools: Converts OpenType and TrueType fonts to and from XML (Executables)

 FontTools/TTX is a library to manipulate font files from Python.
 It supports reading and writing of TrueType/OpenType fonts, reading
 and writing of AFM files, reading (and partially writing) of PS Type 1
 fonts. It also contains a tool called "TTX" which converts
 TrueType/OpenType fonts to and from an XML-based format.
 This provides the executables of fontTools package.

python-fonttools-doc: Converts OpenType and TrueType fonts to and from XML (Documentation)

 FontTools/TTX is a library to manipulate font files from Python.
 It supports reading and writing of TrueType/OpenType fonts, reading
 and writing of AFM files, reading (and partially writing) of PS Type 1
 fonts. It also contains a tool called "TTX" which converts
 TrueType/OpenType fonts to and from an XML-based format.
 This is the sphinx documentation of the fontTools package.

python3-fonttools: Converts OpenType and TrueType fonts to and from XML (Python 3 Library)

 FontTools/TTX is a library to manipulate font files from Python.
 It supports reading and writing of TrueType/OpenType fonts, reading
 and writing of AFM files, reading (and partially writing) of PS Type 1
 fonts. It also contains a tool called "TTX" which converts
 TrueType/OpenType fonts to and from an XML-based format.
 This is the Python 3 version of the fontTools package.

python3-fonttools-dbgsym: debug symbols for python3-fonttools