Comment 43 for bug 941874

Revision history for this message
path (patrick-harzheim) wrote :

Just worked around the same problem that Adi Piracalabu described. Installed Ubuntu 12.04 release Amd64 image on fakeraid raid5. With my boot loader, root directory and swap all on a separate disc. Then my home directory on my raid 5. Installation completed successfully.

Rebooting fails to mount my raid5 drive, I skip mounting the home directory and I can't access my main account that has the home directory on those discs. Logging in with a guest account and creating a separate admin account with my main accounts passwords, permitted me to install dmraid. With a reboot from that software state. The home directory on the raid5 is mounted and my account that has the home directory in the raid5 is accessible. That's where it works for me right now.

With some analysis, after a few re installations. I noticed that the installation of 12.04 does not install dmraid at all? Basically if I performed the installation and continued to try ubuntu before restarting into it. Then mounted the disk I installed to. Dmraid does not appear to be installed in the libs, binaries, initramfs...

While trying ubuntu 12.04 the raids are accessible, but when you install 12.04, it skips or fails the dmraid package and the rest of those dependencies.

If this could be fixed; if the installer can successfully place the dmraid package, if it installs on a system that has fakeraids; then I think I'll finally be able to boot off of a fakeraid without a workaround.