Personal Package Archives for Ubuntu

175 of 283 results
PPA name Description Sources Binaries
samba-glusterfs-3.7 Samba VFS modules with GlusterFS 3.7 VFS module. Nothing in t... 1 86
samba-glusterfs-3.8 Samba VFS modules with GlusterFS 3.8 VFS module. Nothing in t... 1 86
samba-glusterfs-3.9 Samba VFS modules with GlusterFS 3.9 VFS module. Nothing in t... 1 86
Samba-MIT-Kerberos The default samba on Debian Family is linked against the Heimd... 1 39
Clustered Samba This PPA contains CTDB-enabled builds of Samba and an updated ... 2 49
samba This PPA contains Sernet Samba packages that have been customi... 6 58
samba-mounter Samba Mounter lets you manage samba-mounts, instead of doing t... 1 10
samba-exporter A prometheus exporter for statistic data of the samba file ser... 1 8
sernet-samba Sernet Samba for Ubuntu with armh support 1 19
Samba-Latest This PPA contains the latest stable Samba version which is use... 1 147
Build dependencies for travis-ci This PPA is used by OpenChange's travis-ci to install a newer ... 11 94
Fix for 1584485 Fix for Samba 1584485 1 24
Samba 4.18 Samba 4.18 1 48
Samba Latest Latest Samba Version 1 24
Samba backports Backports of Samba to older Ubuntu releases. 9 84
samba-glusterfs-3.10 samba-glusterfs-3.10 1 86
samba-glusterfs-3.12 samba-glusterfs-3.12 1 65
ARM samba glusterfs 3 ARM samba with glusterfs support, based on https://launchpad.n... 1 21
samba-experimental Experimental samba & Co builds for Ubuntu Packaging: https://g... 2 27
samba@rewi Samba 4.7.x packages for Ubuntu 16.04LTS ........................ 8 42
FloSoft's PPA FloSoft's Personal Package Archive - bind9 with mysql support... 16 68
Samba Recent Samba 3 stable builds for Ubuntu 12.04 LTS 1 16
samba Backport of Samba from Jaunty to Hardy. 1 14
samba4 This PPA contains nightly builds of Samba 4 and its dependencies. 10 320
builds Plasma 5 Packages: -carbon-qt4/qt5: 13 38
frontier-14-updates frontier-14-updates synaptic from: 16 33
netrunner-15-packages Additional PPA for Netrunner 15 (packages based on utopic) NE... 13 19
netrunner-16-extras Additional PPA for Netrunner 16 (extra packages based on vivid... 13 25
netrunner-17-extras Additional PPA for Netrunner 17 (extra packages based on wily)... 10 15
Samba daily builds Samba team daily builds 6 203
Samba 4.3 Samba 4.3 series backported from Debian + Zentyal patches 7 35
Bind9 Samba 4 Bind9.8.0-P2 modified for Samba 4 (derived from Hauke Lampe PP... 1 14
Chromium ntlm sso Automatic NTLM authentication using Samba ntlm_auth 2 9
PPA for Gerald Carter Development packages for Likewise-Open, Samba, etc... 1 8
PPA for Pau Garcia Quiles Stuff I use at work and at home and is outdated or not package... 30 263
Samba for AIIAS Latest samba for AIIAS school. WARNING: Imports users to CN=a... 13 214
Samba4 Samba 4 1 0
Softether VPN Builds (SSTP only tested) Test builds with ntlm (Active Diretory) and cipher order patch... 1 9
enigma-1306 Official PPA for Netrunner Enigma 13.06: - netrunner-desktop-... 19 134
enigma-1312 Officiall PPA for Netrunner Enigma 13.12: packages.netrunner-... 23 195
frontier-14 Official PPA for Netrunner 14 Frontier (packages based on trus... 23 185
lp-1984073-autofs-broken-sasl-binds-to-samba-ad lp-1984073-autofs-broken-sasl-binds-to-samba-ad 1 3
Samba playground 1 120
fdebug-prefix-map 5 109
Bug #1872476 Bugfix for 1 34
samba-gpupdate-2078854 1 85
Samba backport 2 32
Backports Backported updated packages 14 194
PPA for Alessio Treglia There are my build tests here. 7 34
Samba 1 24
Samba 4.16 1 72
Samba 4.17 1 72
Samba 4.19 1 48
Samba 4.20 1 48
Samba Latest sudo add-apt-repository ppa:bnd-acc/samba-latest sudo apt-get ... 1 24
Samba Testing 5 46
Samba4 Samba4 packages backported from Trusty to Precise and Saucy. ... 9 236
Staging PPA PPA for test software, often broken or not compiling. When pac... 5 114
Zentyal 3.4 experimental 12 79
Zentyal 4.0 packages 6 50
dev ppa CMatomic 10 32
jacalvo Samba packages 5 49
samba-glusterfs-3.10 1 24
samba-glusterfs-3.11 1 86
samba-latest 1 24
testing EON ppa:simonarons/testing ----------------------------------... 2 91
ppa-test-samba-tool-2002949 1 26
samba-tool-password-fix-lunar-ppa 1 26
samba-glusterfs 1 20
samba-lp1942195 1 77
LD8 PPA for Solid Angle This PPA provides some extra packages for Solid Angle 9 44
LD8 PPA for Solid Angle (Staging) This PPA provides some extra packages for Solid Angle (Staging... 10 45
PPA for matthaeus123 This contains various builds of open source programs that will... 26 145
Samba 4.11.7 2 24
175 of 283 results