Personal Package Archives for Ubuntu

175 of 138 results
PPA name Description Sources Binaries
PyPy releases The latest release of PyPy packaged for stable Ubuntu releases... 6 201
pypy PyPy with --objspace-lonepycfiles 1 7
PyPy staging Builds of PyPy for stable releases of Ubuntu 5 109
pypy-iot arm64/armhf for pypy pypyp3 4 8
Alt-OS PyPy This PPA is providing latest stable PyPy version (latest relea... 1 5
bgola's PyPy ppa ppa for testing pypy packages 1 5
PPA to build Jetson.GPIO (deprecated) Note: This PPA is deprecated, and won't contain new versions o... 1 3
Python packages Theses packages fill the gap that exists between pypi packages... 9 49
noolite This is project for working with NooLite USB stick (PC118, PC1... 1 3
pyQode Stable Builds Stable builds for pyQode that corresponds to the latest versio... 3 9
python-pytest The pytest testing tool makes it easy to write small tests, ye... 1 4
pyzabbix PyPi: Sources: https:/... 1 2
Certbot Build PPA (don't use this, use ppa:certbot/certbot) This is a PPA where main builds happens and are transfered to ... 55 227
Certbot PPA The PPA has been DEPRECATED. To get up to date instructions o... 43 170
Personal Certbot PPA (Test Packages) 48 181
Open Media Library Open Media Library is a local web application that lets you ma... 10 75
Unstable PPA Contains "unstable" backports and imports for Ubuntu LTS relea... 28 39
python-xenial12 60 144
Rally backport 75 212
rally-test 75 212
Package backports for my machines This PPA contains the backports I use on my machines. You shou... 9 28
Stoq | Lançamentos PPA utilizado para lançamentos do Stoq. Este PPA contem a últ... 41 326
Stoq | Unstable Pacotes com a versão em desenvolvimento do stoq. Evitar a uti... 40 298
Trusty Backports 4 28
OpenStack development packages Backport of packages needed to develop OpenStack (e.g. newer v... 14 35
Personal Testing PPA Don't count on these packages staying around for any given amo... 8 16
PyPy 1 5
PyPy weekly builds This PPA contains weekly trunk builds. 1 20
Python Upgraded Python libraries. Mostly focuses on python3, will not... 26 54
Red Pitaya device SW tests 32 70
Stoq 2to3 37 140
Stoq 3 28 238
Stoq 3 | Lançamento 26 95
Stoq | Beta PPA utilizado para lançamentos de versões Beta do Stoq. Para ... 24 107
curl backport (xenial test) 6 27
experimental analytics trusty 19 48
protobuf 4 103
pypy 1 5
reddit Staging area 36 120
rpi3 10 29
AY Xenial Backports Packages from newer versions Ubuntu backported to Xenial 4 11
Daily builds 4 83
electrum-zcash Zcash port of electrum lightweight wallet 21 149
Charm Tools 21 51
Development Tools This PPA contains any tools that may be needed in the developm... 5 20
Electrum Zcash Builds Test builds of PPA 7 65
Plover PPA 9 45
Self-Hosted 24.04 Dependencies for Landscape Self-Hosted release version 24.04. 87 189
Stoq 3 16 56
juju stable packages Stable releases of Juju 2.X for ubuntu 30 103
landscape 17 22
python2.7 python2.7 6 37
stable 9 50
testing 9 40
trusty-mitaka 35 117
0mq testing 9 31
Application Review Board PPA 50 71
Application Review Board PPA 50 71
Beta releases of checkbox To align our distribution channels, have transitioned to a new... 31 189
Candidate releases of checkbox To align our distribution channels, have transitioned to a new... 28 152
Certification releases of checkbox --------------------------------------------------------------... 31 167
Checkbox for Bionic 41 73
Custom LXK packages 14 38
Edge releases of checkbox To align our distribution channels, have transitioned to a ne... 30 188
Liberty Testing 223 898
Mitaka Testing Mitaka test packages for Ubuntu 14.04 and Ubuntu 16.04 311 1185
Métamorphose2 - renamer (Xenial & newer) Métamorphose2 0.90~beta (fixing a few bugs) for Xenial, Bionic... 6 67
Nightly Builds 4 19
PDK v0.2 archive 22 135
PDK v0.3 archive 23 140
PPA for Pierre Boulanger 1 2
Photo Video Applications Photo Video Applications build for the Standard (GTK) Ubuntu p... 208 1851
Platform Developmental Kit (PDK) 23 159
Python - backports (Xenial & newer) Python packages backports (many restoring Python 2.7) for Xeni... 760 4831
Reddit Packages 3 6
175 of 138 results