Personal Package Archives for Ubuntu

17 of 7 results
PPA name Description Sources Binaries
distcc distcc from the official Ubuntu repository with a few backport... 1 3
3rd Party Packages of 3rd Party software - i.e. stuff not produced by SIG. 20 144
Zaid's PPA Absolutely no guarantees ! 18 44
Dianara Dev Daily Dianara is a client, a desktop application for GNU/lin... 1 2
First Overflow Are you really sure you should be here? Things are backported... 6 9
Test Builds This is one of Stephen Michael Kellat's test PPAs. Are you re... 21 101
Useful programs Machine learning packages for: Blei et al. LDA-C, Daichi Mochi... 4 10
17 of 7 results