Personal Package Archives for Ubuntu

110 of 10 results
PPA name Description Sources Binaries
GPG - GNU Privacy Guard (Xenial & newer) GnuPG 2.2.41 LTS (incl. gcrypt 1.10.3, gpg-error 1.47) for Xen... 19 327
Wine4Wow624 This archive is to help speed the process of updating your Win... 9 46
Build Tools - backports (Xenial & newer) Build tools (cmake 3.26.6, meson 1.3.2, rustc 1.75.0) for Xeni... 334 2445
Encryption - various (Xenial & newer) Encryption PPA (gnutls28 3.7.3, ssl 1.1.1w, and more) for Xeni... 76 794
Temp 9 39
Tmp 15 47
temp Staging for other PPA's 17 72
xenial Xenial Packages for openArtist 16 61
Qalculate! Packaging Dependencies 28 156
knot-dns + 2 9
110 of 10 results