Personal Package Archives for Ubuntu

119 of 19 results
PPA name Description Sources Binaries
PPA for Andrew Hunter This PPA is for testing the packages I create. :) 15 56
PPA for LADI 8 28
PPA for Недко Арнаудов I use this PPA as testbed for building packages. Use it at you... 8 29
Dev PPA for testing & crashing This is the testing/experimental branch of my PPAs, so i will ... 22 67
Jaaxx-Testing Misc updated packages for personal testing. Beware - May caus... 3 7
PPA This archive contains SuperCollider packages, some packages, r... 13 115
PPA for Andrea Piccinelli Some programs I use and try to package. They are very unstable... 54 222
PPA for thr 52 196
PipeWire - multimedia server (Xenial & newer) PipeWire 1.0.7 backports (and some related packages) for Xenia... 12 268
RocXshoP Edge Latest SVN/GIT versions and new packages not available in Ubun... 3 9
ffado 1 5
hardy Packaging for Hardy (8.04) backports. This should include FF... 8 35
msound msound packages 9 26
numediart-deps Useful dependencies for numediart projects, more up-to-date th... 9 80
puredyne PPA packages for the puredyne live distribution. 132 460
sound sound tools 18 44
xenial Xenial Packages for openArtist 16 61
Old Studio PPA (no longer used, soon to be emptied) NEWS (May 16th, 2009) ------------------------------ For a wh... 29 253
PPA for seeyaduck 1 0
119 of 19 results