Personal Package Archives for Ubuntu

112 of 12 results
PPA name Description Sources Binaries
Fonts - backports (Xenial & newer) Fonts PPA including related software (eg. fontforge) for Xenia... 69 590
VLC media player: Ubuntu/Debian Backports (LTS) sudo add-apt-repository ppa:n-muench/vlc2 This PPA has VLC Me... 16 151
test06 A collection of gtk2 apps for improved speed on a distro based... 34 186
Alt-OS Fonts Fresh fonts and rendering libraries 3 10
Borea OS LXDE A collection of gtk2 apps for improved speed on a distro based... 38 209
Peppermint 10 Development This is a development PPA for Peppermint 10, adding packages f... 101 176
Peppermint 10 Release Packages for inclusion in the Peppermint OS Ten stable release... 97 173
Peppermint 9 Development Peppermint 9 development PPA - This is a development PPA, usin... 97 159
Peppermint 9 Release Packages for inclusion in the Peppermint OS Nine stable releas... 92 136
VLC backport to Precise 24 158
Blu-ray support for Lucid, vlc1.2-git ,Mplayer                                              Do not install th... 29 176
Lubuntu+ PPA 28 195
112 of 12 results