Personal Package Archives for Ubuntu

17 of 7 results
PPA name Description Sources Binaries
Backports - various (Xenial & newer) Backports PPA (many & varied general system packages) for Xeni... 694 8826
Utilities - various (Xenial & newer) Utilities PPA (many and varied backported utilities) for Xenia... 196 2591
Virtualisation - various (Xenial & newer) Virtualisation PPA (libvirt 8.10.0, qemu 7.2, & more) for Xeni... 154 1975
Packages used in constructing the Ubuntu Core component of Snappy PPA containing packages that are not yet included in the Ubunt... 75 594
develop 27 315
PPA for John S Gruber 15 103
PPA for Michael Casadevall This PPA holds in development packages. It should only be used... 18 224
17 of 7 results