Personal Package Archives for Ubuntu

116 of 16 results
PPA name Description Sources Binaries
Build Tools - backports (Xenial & newer) Build tools (cmake 3.26.6, meson 1.3.2, rustc 1.75.0) for Xeni... 334 2446
PPA for Pau Garcia Quiles Stuff I use at work and at home and is outdated or not package... 30 263
DEVxenialAppimage 163 422
backports Backports created with backportpackage. 49 81
copied-test 75 181
test only for testing purposes - DO NOT add this PPA to your system 102 327
KeePassXC Build Dependencies KeePassXC Build Dependencies PPA =============================... 8 24
Qt6 on Ubuntu Touch build tools 109 352
gimp 3.0 GIMP 3.0 without flatpak 52 301
Arisnova Stable PPA Only stable content! This PPA is safe to use 11 121
Backported build dependencies for git Do not use this PPA. You are probably looking for this one in... 3 4
Experimental PPA 3 430 1113
PPA for Bhavani Shankar Bhavani Shankar's PPA This is a collection of packages for bu... 155 458
Ruby - backports (Xenial only) Backports of Ruby 2.5 and some of Ruby stack from Bionic to Xe... 158 222
Xorg Testing This PPA is inactive, just a testing ground for another PPA. I... 89 373
dnjl's Main PPA Here you will find some updates, fixes, backports and own pack... 68 439
116 of 16 results