Personal Package Archives for Ubuntu

7687 of 87 results
PPA name Description Sources Binaries
PHP 5.5 (Archive) Archive of the php 5.5 packages copied from the co-installable... 35 143
PHP 5.5.34 Sorry, just cloning this cloned repo in PPA for studying and n... 49 125
PHP5-ZTS This branch follows latest PHP 5.6 packages, as maintained by ... 9 122
PPA for Python 3.12 with dh-python 26 114
PPA for Python 3.12 with distutils 26 119
PPA for Vytas Some fractal, CA (cellular automata) and misc. stuff that is m... 3 8
PPA for pachube Some software built for use at 11 15
Platform Deps TransmitSMS Consolidated Platform Archive 13 68
Stable 34 31
non-cloud: php54 9 41
php-backports php backports for Xenial. 9 46
php7.3-transition.4 php7.3-transition.4 52 165
7687 of 87 results