Personal Package Archives for Ubuntu

151185 of 185 results
PPA name Description Sources Binaries
Rabbitmq Backport 1 1
Test 2 44 212
Test PPA Testing uploads. 15 45
Ubuntu 10.04 LTS :: Updates This is a personal package archive to continue the support of ... 54 394
[] Patches Packages with some custom packages. 12 297
[] Patches (testing) 13 298
bionic-rabbitmq-3.6 1 1
dev 9 992
develop7's ppa my packages I'm trying to build 16 26
ejabberd More recent releases of ejabberd for Ubuntu 1 1
ejabberd 1 1
focal-rabbitmq-server-merge 1 1
focal-rabbitmq-server-sync 1 1
freeswitch 3 874
groovy-rabbitmq-server-fix-ftbfs 1 1
lp-1988283-rabbitmq-crashes-mnesia lp-1988283-rabbitmq-crashes-mnesia 1 2
millvote millvote linke 150 315
nickaknudson ppa 2 3
oae ubuntu dependencies PPA for oae dependencies that aren't in Ubuntu's official repo 49 397
overprescribed's launchpad ppa this ppa contains: * ejabberd 2.1.9-1 synced from debian sid 1 1
prod 12 31
rabbit mitaka 1 1
rabbitmq A static store for rabbitmq-server, as the original repo keep ... 1 2
rabbitmq RabbitMQ and related stuff 2 3
rabbitmq-mre 1 1
rabbitmq-server 1 4
rabbitmq-server-jammy-focal-current-dep8 1 2
rabbitmq-server-mre-2204 1 2
rabbitmq-server-mre-2204-testing This is a testing PPA for 1 2
rabbitmq-server-mre-2204-v2 1 1
reddit Packages for reddit 31 158
reddit ppa These packages power They may have modifications t... 179 470
webscale libeatmydata and other webscale stuff 14 33
yamdev place to put packages so they don't accidentally go to production 5 14
yamops Yammer Operations PPA 16 114
151185 of 185 results