Personal Package Archives for Ubuntu

751813 of 813 results
PPA name Description Sources Binaries
freeradius3-developer Freeradius build from git with all developer modules 1 13
gearmand 3 9
gionn-ppa Random packages that I need (mainly backports) 10 36
gis-testing PPA for testing, use this before moving to gis. [rtorre] Note... 7 65
gmagick 2 2
internal 1 960
ionCube Loader ionCube Loader PPA for various versions of Ubuntu Linux Web p... 1 6
ioncube-loader ionCube Loader PPA for various versions of Ubuntu Linux Web p... 1 4
kdebisschop 1 39
kichkasch Ubuntu releases for my small applications - browse http://gith... 7 8
lasso lasso by entrouvert < 1 11
lempsh 6 108
libzip test transition libzip 1.5.0 test transition 25 103
lp2057576-sigsegv-php 2 74
mantic-proposed 13 40
mecab-ko Korean morphological analysis system 3 3
meta-preview experimental meta-packages 1 17
meta-stable experimental meta-packages 1 34
mighost packages Some packages used in mighost 12 236
modphp-upgrade-lp1890263 modphp-upgrade-lp1890263 1 39
my PPA (testing) EXPERIMENTAL packages 4 43
non-cloud: php53 1 63
packages A bunch of packages that come standard with ubuntu that we hav... 25 257
personal debs 3 47
phoenixos phoenix os est une distrubution pour pentest 63 134
php-7.2.15 1 38
php-8.1-armhf 1 35
php-n98-magerun A packaged version of the n98 magerun tool. 1 2
php-pdo-cassandra 2 0
php-symfony-polyfill-1100c07 1 0
php-symfony-polyfill-noble 1 0
php5-amqp Fresh builds from 2 8
php52sgd-lucid-64 This PPA contains mostly identical configured packages as the ... 2 6
php56-precise php56 for ubuntu precise (12) 1 75
php5zmq 1 1
php7 1 102
php73-ubuntu18 1 38
php8.1 php8.1 1 1
php8.1-transition.0 php8.1-transition.0 89 260
php836 1 35
phpSolr 1 0
plusone Activities in +1 maintenance 4 4
ppa testing packages 24 299
ppa 4 12
ppa do not use. my ppa tests live in here. 1 1
release-10.0 OSGeoLive 10.0 release ppa 103 343
release-10.5 OSGeoLive 10.5 release ppa 107 377
release-11.0 114 394
rmcbride's junk 11 33
sc-php 2 44
suPHP 1 6
support-new-icu-amdonly 1 36
test test 25 79
test 10 49
test rebuild ppa Test rebuilds for building one version of software on a differ... 3 35
thrift 2 25
umn Local packages for use at the U of MN 22 55
v6 web 28 139
web-backports updated software used by web servers. 7 15 3 7
xenial-php7.0-restart-after-upgrade-1819033 1 39
yate 1 12
zratic-test 7 88
751813 of 813 results