Comment 9 for bug 92458

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Nicholas Allen (nick-allen) wrote :

I have noticed the exact same problem too since upgrading to Feisty from Edgy. I notice the signal strength of the wireless connection drops to nothing in my task bar applet if I download for more than about 5 seconds. It also seems to trip my router up when this happens and the router does not come on line for a few seconds after this. I too have Inter Pro wireless adapter.

It used to work perfectly in Edgy and I only noticed this since I upgraded. Also I don't think the router is the problem as we also use a Windows laptop and do not notice this (only when I use my Feisty laptop).

uname -a

Linux nick-laptop 2.6.20-15-generic #2 SMP Sun Apr 15 07:36:31 UTC 2007 i686 GNU/Linux