Comment 1 for bug 521006

Revision history for this message
Mathias Gug (mathiaz) wrote :

Looks good to me. Some minor comments:

1. The short description of the binary packages are all the same. I'd add a "for ruby1.X" at the end of the description for the -ruby1.X packages.

2. The full description for -ruby1.9 refers to ruby1.8.

3. Could you bump the Debian policy revision to the latest? You should go through the upgrade checklist to make sure the package is compliant with the new version (/usr/share/doc/debian-policy/upgrading-checklist.txt.gz from the debian-policy package).

Note that all these comments were found by running lucid lintian on the dsc file:

(l)mathiaz@mathiaz-srv:~/src/libright-http-connection-ruby$ lintian -IE --pedantic *dsc
I: libright-http-connection-ruby source: duplicate-short-description libright-http-connection-ruby1.8 libright-http-connection-ruby1.9 libright-http-connection-ruby
I: libright-http-connection-ruby source: duplicate-long-description libright-http-connection-ruby1.8 libright-http-connection-ruby1.9
W: libright-http-connection-ruby source: out-of-date-standards-version 3.8.3 (current is 3.8.4)

The resulting binaries look good to me as well.