Publishing details


vpb-driver (4.2.59-2) unstable; urgency=medium

  * Conflict/Replace libvpb0.  Closes: #794587
  * This is really just a kludge-around for the fact that we have unversioned
    files installed in the runtime library package, which ordinarily would be
    a Terribly Wrong thing to do, but this code is stable and had a strong
    guarantee that the ABI was never going to be broken and it would never
    need a transition, so for several reasons that was the least worst option
    for nearly 10 years now.  Until gcc-5 broke that promise on us ...
    In this case, we can probably still quite reasonably get away with just
    forcing the old package off the system when it is upgraded, since there is
    a fairly natural limit to how many applications you can have controlling
    your phone lines on a system, and no real user is likely to actually need
    the old and new packages to be co-installable.  Either they'll update to
    the new one, or they won't.  There's no prolonged transition where things
    they might need could still be using the old one.  It's still technically
    wrong though, so kids don't try this at home, but unless gcc starts to
    make a habit of this, it's probably the least disruptive change we can
    impose on users to cope with that transition, and hopefully something we
    won't need to deal with again for at least another ten years.  If we do,
    then we'll reassess where the pros and cons really lay for making more
    intrusive changes to support things that "should have never happened".

 -- Ron Lee <email address hidden>  Thu, 06 Aug 2015 00:20:48 +0930

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