Publishing details
smartmontools (6.4+svn4214-1) unstable; urgency=medium
[ Helmut Grohne ]
* Fix FTCBFS. (Closes: #794035)
+ Pass --build and --host to configure
[ Tobias Frost ]
* Import patch from Helmut (see above)
* Remove '/var/lib/smartmontools' on purge (Closes: #766145)
* Fixed postinst script: Version is only valid when configuring.
(Closes: #766146)
[ Jonathan Dowland ]
* Portability improvements, thanks Robert Millan. Closes: #634506.
* Update debian/copyright to Format 1.0., resolve GPL-2/GPL-2+
ambiguity. Closes: #777583.
* Get rid of update-smart-drivedb. Closes: #783317, #804299, #706909.
* Bump standards version (no further changes required)
* Enhance rules clean target to make repeated builds easier
* Stop installing duplicate/irrelevant docs (COPYING, changelog, INSTALL)
* add 'set -e' to postrm.
* Switch to xz for orig.tar compression and update get-orig-source rule.
* Stop passing explicit runlevels to dh_installinit. Closes: #732045.
* Remove duplicate use of dh_systemd_enable: The second one should have
been dh_systemd_start. Closes: #813102.
* Various manpage improvements. Thanks Bjarni Ingi Gislason.
Closes: #669053.
-- Jonathan Dowland <email address hidden> Thu, 04 Feb 2016 23:21:58 +0000
Built packages
control and monitor storage systems using S.M.A.R.T.
debug symbols for package smartmontools
Package files