Publishing details


dahdi-linux (1:2.10.2~dfsg-1ubuntu1) xenial; urgency=low

  * Merge from Debian testing. Remaining changes:
    - DKMS support:
      * debian/control:
        - dahdi-linux depends additionally on (dahdi-dkms | dahdi-source).
        - dahdi-dkms added
      * debian/
      * debian/dahdi-dkms.postinst
      * debian/dahdi-dkms.prerm
      * debian/dahdi-linux.install:
        - added debian/modules
        - added debian/system.conf
      * debian/
        - Dropping ap400, opvxd115, wcopenpci, and zaphfc from build as
          those got dropped from the Debian extra patch.
      * debian/modules
      * debian/rules:
        - Add code to generate dkms package
      * debian/system.conf
    - debian/dahdi-source.install (for lintian)
    - debian/lintian/dahdi-source
    - DEP-8 support (debian/tests/*)
    - d/p/oslec-echo-in-kernel.diff
      * Diable build of echo.ko in favour of the same module provided by
        the kernel.
  * Dropped patches:
    - d/p/kernel-compat-3.18.patch
    - d/p/kernel-compat-3.19.patch
    - d/p/kernel-4.2-dev-printk-void.patch
    - d/p/irqf-disabled-deprecated.patch
    - d/p/strncasecmp.patch

 -- Stefan Bader <email address hidden>  Thu, 17 Dec 2015 10:44:32 +0100

Available diffs


Built packages

Package files