Publishing details


osgi-core (4.3.0-4) unstable; urgency=low

  * Team upload.
  * Fix FTBFS because of wrong line breaks and whitespaces in pom.xml, so that
    mh_installpoms can function properly. (Closes: #713273)
  * Do not override jh_manifest in debian/rules because this prevents the
    creation of a symlink to the real jar. The manifest file in src is not
    required. (Closes: #678801)
  * Bump compat level to 9 and require debhelper >= 9.
  * Bump Standards-Version to 3.9.4, no changes.
  * Use canonical Vcs-URI.

 -- Markus Koschany <email address hidden>  Wed, 07 Aug 2013 00:35:21 +0200

Available diffs


Built packages

Package files