Publishing details


python-lockfile (1:0.12.2-3) unstable; urgency=medium

  * Specify current VCS for Debian packaging work.
  * Grant license in Debian packaging files under terms of GNU GPL 3 or later.
  * debian/gbp.conf:
    * Update for current packaging source maintenance workflow.
  * Document the current packaging source maintenance workflow.
  * Override false positive Lintian check for VCS-* field names.
  * Declare conformance to “Standards-Version: 4.6.2”.
  * Declare Debhelper compatibility level 13.
  * debian/compat:
    * Remove obsolete configuration file.
  * debian/watch:
    * Update UScan configuration format to version 4.
  * Remove ‘get-orig-source’ and ‘get-packaged-orig-source’ targets.
    These are no longer mentioned in Debian Policy 4.1.4 and later.
  * debian/tests/:
    * Remove AutoPkgTest for Python 2 package.
  * Stop building the Python 2 package.
  * Explicitly declare build system for PyBuild.
  * Remove specification of ancient minimum Python version.
  * Specify the package build system does not require root privilege.
  * Declare upstream metadata in DEP-12 format.
  * Explicitly mark a superficial AutoPkgTest case.
  * Use only supported Python versions in the AutoPkgTest.
  * Use external package ‘python3-package-smoke-test’ for AutoPkgTest.
    Closes: bug#1040853. Thanks to Matthias Klose for the report.
  * debian/tests/
    * Remove unused test helper module, now migrated to external package.

 -- Ben Finney <email address hidden>  Fri, 21 Jul 2023 19:03:46 +1000

Available diffs


Built packages

Package files