Publishing details


debci (3.4) unstable; urgency=medium

  [ Pavit Kaur ]
  * Stop adding buildd APT entries by default
  * jobs: normalize worker field

  [ Olivia Cameron ]
  * Update docs/

  [ Shivam Singhal ]
  * Fix Shellcheck errors for bin/debci-autopkgtest

  [ Abiola Ajadi ]
  * Redirect after authentication to the page the user was trying to access
  * self-service test form: remember form values on failed submissions
  * packages: display pending jobs
  * web frontend: centralize job listing

  [ Antonio Terceiro ]
  * Drop debci-batch
  * spec: avoid monkeypatching core File methods
  * spec_helper: fix ambiguous calls in SimpleCov setup
  * Drop usage of deprecated method File.exists?
  * Debci::Job: drop unused local variable
  * Debci::SelfDocAPI: fix undefined variable warning
  * html: avoid warnings on undefined variables
  * self_service: fix redirect after login
  * frontend: respond with 404 on the history page of a non-existing package
  * functional tests: drop test_basics
  * collector_spec: avoid writing to real data directory
  * tools/ revert back to moreutils parallel

  [ Marco M. F. De Santis ]
  * Update

 -- Antonio Terceiro <email address hidden>  Sun, 23 Jan 2022 13:50:40 -0300

Available diffs


Built packages

Package files