Publishing details


gnome-online-accounts (3.36.0-1ubuntu1) focal; urgency=medium

  * Merge with debian, remaining changes:
    + debian/rules:
      - Make sure that gnome-online-accounts.pot is refreshed so the
        strings from 0001-ubuntu-sso-provider.patch are included (LP: #1759251).
      - Build with --enable-ubuntu-sso
    + debian/control.*:
      - Add b-d on libsnapd-glib-dev
      - depends on python3 and python3-macaroonbakery for the ubuntu sso
    + debian/gnome-online-accounts.install:
      install usr/share/goa-1.0/scripts/
    + debian/libgoa-backend-1.0-1.symbols:
      Add goa_ubuntu_sso_provider_get_type
    + Ubuntu-specific patches:
      - debian/patches/0001-ubuntu-sso-provider.patch
      - debian/patches/0002-livepatch-auth.patch

 -- Sebastien Bacher <email address hidden>  Wed, 11 Mar 2020 09:50:30 +0100

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