Publishing details


man2html (1.6g-12) unstable; urgency=medium

  [ Ondřej Nový ]
  * d/control: Set Vcs-* to

  [ Robert Luberda ]
  * Switch to debhelper v12.
  * Document in both README.Debian, and the package's description that
    installation of man2html might require enabling of CGI module of HTTP
    server manually (closes: #798931, #804204, LP: #1271032).
    This documentation is based on recent Osamu Aoki's work for dwww package.
  * Restrict access to localhost only when running on apache2. Document
    this change in README.Debian, and in debian/NEWS.
  * man2html.cgi.c:
    + fix determining what is section name vs. man page name, so that it is
       now possible to find 7z(1) man page;
    + do not restrict section names to two chars only, to properly show
      man pages for example from section 1posix.
  * manwhatis.c:
    + make sure generated links include the whole section name, instead of
      only its first character;
    + switch generated links to 'section+man page' order to match to the
      links produced by man2html itself.
  * Update 010-aux-debian.patch with correct link to swish++ home page.
  * mansearch: use https for links to sites.
  * debian/control:
    + depend on sensible-utils instead of debianutils (lintian);
    + remove outdated 'Breaks' and 'Replaces';
    + Standards-Version: 4.4.0.

 -- Robert Luberda <email address hidden>  Sat, 03 Aug 2019 16:17:05 +0200

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