Ubuntu Women Vivid Goals
This is for planning for the Vivid (15.04) cycle.
Blueprint information
- Status:
- Not started
- Priority:
- Undefined
- Direction:
- Needs approval
- Definition:
- New
- Series goal:
- None
- Implementation:
- Milestone target:
- None
- Started by
- Completed by
On Going Projects:
Orientation Quiz
Working version of martix: https:/
"Quiz" is the wrong name, maybe " Questionnaire" is better
Project Harvest
Svetlana Belkin (belkinsa) is still working on getting a bug sprint for the bugs but only for testing them, not fixing them(https:/
Getting a date and a time for the sprint can be done during the session
Aim for late jan and on, not now
Try to recuit developers to do a sprint to fix the bugs
I brought up Harvest in this session: http://
Other Projects
Some Collaboration Project between UW and Ubuntu Scientists
This will be put off
Resource List
It is a compiled list of resources on projects looking for women and resources for projects looking for women
Can be a wiki page added to the header
Work Items
Work items:
[a-mani-cms] Review BestPractices page and add improvements: TODO
[belkinsa] make (at least some) stories of ubuntu women more prominent on the site: POSTPONED
[belkinsa] Look into hosting classroom session/day re: Getting Involved: POSTPONED
[belkinsa] Review Harvest bugs https:/
[popey] E-mail UW Mailing-list on how to get invoulved in Ubuntu Phone Project: TODO
[pendulum] work on compiling list of resources on projects looking for women and resources for projects looking for women: TODO
[belkinsa] Rename "Quiz" to " Questionnaire": DONE
[belkinsa] Add a question about if someone is a developer or not to the Questionnaire: DONE
[belkinsa] E-mail Mailing List abouut Project Harvest Bug testing sprint: DONE