kdepimlibs package in Ubuntu RTM

kdepimlibs-dbg: debugging symbols for the KDE Development Platform PIM libraries
kdepimlibs-kio-plugins: kio slaves used by KDE PIM applications
kdepimlibs5-dev: development files for the KDE Development Platform PIM libraries
libakonadi-calendar4: library providing calendar helpers for Akonadi items
libakonadi-contact4: Akonadi contacts access library
libakonadi-kabc4: Akonadi address book access library
libakonadi-kcal4: Akonadi calendar access library
libakonadi-kde4: library for using the Akonadi PIM data server
libakonadi-kmime4: Akonadi MIME handling library
libakonadi-notes4: Akonadi notes access library
libakonadi-socialutils4: Akonadi resources for handling social feeds
libakonadi-xml4: Akonadi XML helper library
libgpgme++2: c++ wrapper library for gpgme
libkabc4: library for handling address book data
libkalarmcal2: library for handling kalarm calendar data
libkblog4: client-side support library for web application remote blogging APIs
libkcal4: library for handling calendar data
libkcalcore4: library for handling calendar data
libkcalutils4: library with utility functions for the handling of calendar data
libkholidays4: holidays calculation library
libkimap4: library for handling IMAP data
libkldap4: library for accessing LDAP
libkmbox4: library for handling mbox mailboxes
libkmime4: library for handling MIME data
libkontactinterface4: Kontact interface library
libkpimidentities4: library for managing user identities
libkpimtextedit4: library that provides a textedit with PIM-specific features
libkpimutils4: library for dealing with email addresses
libkresources4: KDE Resource framework library
libktnef4: library for handling TNEF data
libkxmlrpcclient4: simple XML-RPC client library
libmailtransport4: mail transport service library
libmicroblog4: library for using the Microblog Akonadi Resource
libqgpgme1: library for GpgME++ integration with Qt
libsyndication4: parser library for RSS and Atom feeds

This package has 0 new bugs

Package information

Kubuntu Members
Medium Urgency
Latest upload:

*actual publishing details may vary in this distribution, these are just the package defaults.

Upstream connections

KDE SCkdepimlibstrunk

Contains Personal Information Management libraries needed to run KDE 4 applications.

Bug supervisor: no
Bug tracker: yes
Branch: yes

There are no registered releases for the kdepimlibs ⇒ trunk.

14.09 (active development)
4:4.14.1-0ubuntu1 release (universe)

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