Linked packages

Packages by project series

touch-vivid series

No packages linked to this series.

rtm-14.09 series

Distribution Distribution series Source package Version  
Ubuntu RTM 14.09 (14.09) ubuntu-app-launch 0.4+15.04.20141125~rtm-0ubuntu1
Ubuntu RTM 14.09-factory (14.09.1) ubuntu-app-launch 0.4+15.04.20141125~rtm-0ubuntu1

devel series

No packages linked to this series.

17.04 series

16.10 series

Distribution Distribution series Source package Version  
Ubuntu Yakkety (16.10) ubuntu-app-launch

16.04 series

Distribution Distribution series Source package Version  
Ubuntu Xenial (16.04) ubuntu-app-launch 0.5+15.10.20150817-0ubuntu3

15.10 series

Distribution Distribution series Source package Version  
Ubuntu Wily (15.10) ubuntu-app-launch

15.04 series

Distribution Distribution series Source package Version  
Ubuntu Vivid (15.04) ubuntu-app-launch

14.10 series

Distribution Distribution series Source package Version  
Ubuntu Utopic (14.10) ubuntu-app-launch

14.04 series

Distribution Distribution series Source package Version  
Ubuntu Trusty (14.04) upstart-app-launch 0.3+14.04.20140411-0ubuntu1

13.10 series

Distribution Distribution series Source package Version  
Ubuntu Saucy (13.10) upstart-app-launch

Packages by distribution


Distribution series Source package Version Project series
Saucy (13.10) upstart-app-launch Ubuntu Application Launcher 13.10 series
Trusty (14.04) upstart-app-launch 0.3+14.04.20140411-0ubuntu1 Ubuntu Application Launcher 14.04 series
Utopic (14.10) ubuntu-app-launch Ubuntu Application Launcher 14.10 series
Vivid (15.04) ubuntu-app-launch Ubuntu Application Launcher 15.04 series
Wily (15.10) ubuntu-app-launch Ubuntu Application Launcher 15.10 series
Xenial (16.04) ubuntu-app-launch 0.5+15.10.20150817-0ubuntu3 Ubuntu Application Launcher 16.04 series
Yakkety (16.10) ubuntu-app-launch Ubuntu Application Launcher 16.10 series
Zesty (17.04) ubuntu-app-launch Ubuntu Application Launcher 17.04 series
Artful (17.10) ubuntu-app-launch Ubuntu Application Launcher 17.04 series
Bionic (18.04) ubuntu-app-launch 0.12+17.04.20170404.2-0ubuntu6 Ubuntu Application Launcher 17.04 series
Cosmic (18.10) ubuntu-app-launch Ubuntu Application Launcher 17.04 series
Disco (19.04) ubuntu-app-launch Ubuntu Application Launcher 17.04 series
Eoan (19.10) ubuntu-app-launch Ubuntu Application Launcher 17.04 series
Focal (20.04) ubuntu-app-launch 0.12+17.04.20170404.2-0ubuntu6 Ubuntu Application Launcher 17.04 series
Groovy (20.10) ubuntu-app-launch Ubuntu Application Launcher 17.04 series
Hirsute (21.04) ubuntu-app-launch Ubuntu Application Launcher 17.04 series
Impish (21.10) ubuntu-app-launch Ubuntu Application Launcher 17.04 series
Jammy (22.04) ubuntu-app-launch Ubuntu Application Launcher 17.04 series
Kinetic (22.10) ubuntu-app-launch Ubuntu Application Launcher 17.04 series
Lunar (23.04) ubuntu-app-launch Ubuntu Application Launcher 17.04 series
Mantic (23.10) ubuntu-app-launch Ubuntu Application Launcher 17.04 series
Noble (24.04) ubuntu-app-launch Ubuntu Application Launcher 17.04 series
Oracular (24.10) ubuntu-app-launch Ubuntu Application Launcher 17.04 series

Ubuntu RTM

Distribution series Source package Version Project series
14.09 (14.09) ubuntu-app-launch 0.4+15.04.20141125~rtm-0ubuntu1 Ubuntu Application Launcher rtm-14.09 series
14.09-factory (14.09.1) ubuntu-app-launch 0.4+15.04.20141125~rtm-0ubuntu1 Ubuntu Application Launcher rtm-14.09 series