Blueprints for kilo

111 of 11 results
Priority Blueprint Design Delivery Assignee Milestone
4 High oslo-messaging 0 Approved 11 Implemented Dan Nguyen 2015.1.0
3 Medium add-instance-name-to-cli 0 Approved 11 Implemented Doug Shelley 2015.1.0
3 Medium example-snippet-generator 0 Approved 11 Implemented Tim Simpson 2015.1.0
3 Medium mgmt-show-deleted 0 Approved 11 Implemented Auston McReynolds 2015.1.0
3 Medium update-instance-name 0 Approved 11 Implemented Iccha Sethi 2015.1.0
3 Medium replication-v2 2 Review 11 Implemented Morgan Jones 2015.1.0
3 Medium couchdb-plugin-trove 3 Drafting 11 Implemented mariam john 2015.1.0
3 Medium db2-plugin-for-trove 3 Drafting 11 Implemented mariam john 2015.1.0
3 Medium vertica-db-support 3 Drafting 11 Implemented Sushil Kumar 2015.1.0
3 Medium implement-vertica-cluster 5 New 11 Implemented Sushil Kumar 2015.1.0
2 Low guest-rpc-ping-pong 0 Approved 11 Implemented Auston McReynolds 2015.1.0
111 of 11 results

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