Nova VM lifecycle test

Registered by Nithya Ganesan

This blueprint is to develop a VM lifecycle test in tempest. Though all the APIs are covered by the community, we dont have a test in the form of a VM lifecycle.

In tempest/compute/servers, we have a test script called As of today it covers a few basic operations but not all that constitute a VM lifecycle. It will be good to have a VMLifecycle test with additional test points.

The test does the basic server operations (tempest/tests/compute/servers/
    This smoke test case follows this basic set of operations:

     * Create a keypair for use in launching an instance
     * Create a security group to control network access in instance
     * Add simple permissive rules to the security group
     * Launch an instance
     * Pause/unpause the instance
     * Suspend/resume the instance
     * Terminate the instance
I am planning to extend this to include the following test points.

    This smoke test case follows this basic set of operations:

     * Create a keypair for use in launching an instance
     * Create a security group to control network access in instance
     * Add simple permissive rules to the security group
     * Launch an instance with keypair and security group
     * Create a floating ip
     * Check if floating ip gets listed
     * Add floating IP to a VM
     * Check if floating up is listed against the VM
     * Enable ping and ssh by adding rules in security group
     * List security group rules and verify
     * Ensure ping and ssh to the vm work
     * Reboot an instance and check for ping
     * Remove rules and check if ping / ssh is disallowed
     * Create a source sec group and add that to the existing sec group
     * List security group rules and verify
     * Ensure ping and ssh to the vm work
     * Remove security group and check if ping / ssh is disallowed
     * Remove floating IP from the server and check if it is removed
     * Verify the working of VM rename
     * Create an image from the running server
     * Check if the VM comes to active state
     * Rebuild the vm with the new image
     * Delete the floating IP from the project
     * Pause/unpause the instance
     * Suspend/resume the instance
     * Terminate the instance

Blueprint information

Jay Pipes
Nithya Ganesan
Series goal:
Milestone target:
Completed by
Sean Dague

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I like it!

The only thing I would change is the floating IP part... just change it to "Associate a floating IP with the server instance" instead of "Create a floating IP", since the creation of Floating IPs is an Admin-only operation AFAIK... and should be done in the setUpClass() fixture of the test.

Recommend simply renaming test_server_basic_ops to test_vm_lifecycle.

Gerrit topic:,topic:nova-vmlifecycle-test,n,z

Addressed by:
    Testcase for Nova VM Lifecycle


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