Advanced Training Keys

Registered by Neil C

An advanced mode for Flash cards that replaces the "Correct" and "Wrong" buttons with a weighted rating, allowing the user to input how well they remembered the entry, not just if they did.

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If a user is working through flash cards sometimes they don't completely recall the entry.

For instance, if one was memorising kanji, one might click next on the flash card and know the meaning of the kanji but not remember any readings. While some users may just be happy with saying "Wrong", having an optional weighted rating system allows the user to chose an appropriate result.

If, instead of just having a "Correct" and "Incorrect" button, you added two more, giving the user options of 1, 2, 3 and 4, where 1 is the equivalent of "Incorrect" and 4 is the the equivalent of "Correct", the user may, in the above situation, chose 2, telling the program that instead of not remembering it at all, they are beginning to remember it, but only just.

I suggest it as an optional mode because this may be too complex for some users.

Sorry if this was the wrong place to pitch an idea.
Right now, this scheme would not fit with the current database design. Of course the latter could be redesigned, but I'm not convinced such a fine-tuning is necessary. I mean, what would the program do differently if you remember an entry "A little" instead of "Not at all"? Of course, the score could be lowered a little less, but then what? This is why I don't think such an option would be useful at all.
To be honest, I hadn't really thought passed that. I think, as opposed to lowering, I was more concerned with having a button that didn't raise the entries score as much for entries I only partly remembered.

That said, if it requires significant work then it should probably be ignored as "Feature Creep".


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