UDS-Q & LCQ2.12 for UDS-R and LCE12

Registered by Chris Johnston

Discussion and work items from UDS-Q



Work Items

Work items:
[vorlon] work on wording for the participation essential checkbox ("this session should be scheduled around my availability" "stakeholder"): POSTPONED
[cjohnston] Implement new participation essential wording in Launchpad: DONE
[cjohnston] Implement new participation essential wording in Summit: DONE
Allow manually moving a schedule without locking it to that slot (email manual person if its moved by an automated scheduler?): POSTPONED
State which session is causing a conflict when manually scheduling: POSTPONED
Restrict "participation essential" in Launchpad: POSTPONED
[alanbell] Investigate limiting "participation essential" import to specific groups: POSTPONED
[mhall119] Investigate weighting "participation essential" when rescheduling: POSTPONED
[mhall119] Replace old wide display with one based on tables and incorporating social feeds: POSTPONED
Allow track leads to add their track to a session: POSTPONED
[mhall119] Regularly email list of dead blueprints to schedulers: POSTPONED
Add view for "the current session in this room" for the permanent projector: BLOCKED
Show one day at a time for "My Schedule" view: POSTPONED
[mhall119] Add ability to search meetings: DONE
Add links to other particpant's schedules: POSTPONED
Allow for scheduling meetings outside of normal slots: POSTPONED
[linaro-infrastructure] 929170 - Implement the theme for Linaro on Summit based upon Linaro design guidelines: POSTPONED
[alanbell] talk to IS about deploying an etherpad lite instance and submit: POSTPONED
[alanbell] extend meeting object to support etherpad lite (in addition to etherpad traditional), creating pads and assigning access to them: POSTPONED
[alanbell] support pads for private meetings with separate security: POSTPONED
[alanbell] extend etherpad-lite to support read-only live view for non-authenticated users: POSTPONED
[alanbell] extend etherpad-lite to support automatically scrolling to the end, or to the last pad update position: POSTPONED
[alanbell] provide a meeting page template suitable for projection at 1280x800 resolution with next session details, title, clock/countdown, pad: POSTPONED

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