Enable languages/runtime stacks via the language pack framework

Registered by Roshan Agrawal

Using the pluggable language/runtime framework, enable the following set of language/runtime stacks on the Solum platform

Solum-R3.1 Java Web workloads
As an application developer developing a Java web application, I can push my Java source code for deployment to the Solum platform, and receive back the URL of my running application.

Solum-R3.2 Ruby Web workloads
As an application developer developing a Ruby application, I can push my Ruby code for deployment to the Solum platform, and receive back the URL of my running application.

Solum-R3.3 Python
As an application developer developing a Python application, I can push my Python code for deployment to the Solum platform, and receive back the URL of my running application.

Solum-R3.4 Node.js
As an application developer developing a Node.js application, I can push my Node.js code for deployment to the Solum platform, and receive back the URL of my running application.

Solum-R3.5 PHP
As an application developer developing a PHP application, I can push my PHP code for deployment to the Solum platform, and receive back the URL of my running application.

Blueprint information

Adrian Otto
Roshan Agrawal
Series goal:
Accepted for icehouse
Milestone target:
milestone icon juno-1
Started by
Adrian Otto
Completed by
Adrian Otto

Related branches



This is a meta blueprint - each language pack will have its own detailed blueprint that is linked to this blueprint.

The priority of this blueprint is marked High, to indicate we would like at least one of the listed languages to be implemented first, and implementation of the rest of the languages can happen in due course.

Which language should we pick first? You choose - pick anything that you feel passionate about implementing.


Work Items

Dependency tree

* Blueprints in grey have been implemented.

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