Use normal design for preview if secondary admin design

Registered by Michael Sebel

With 2.3.0 a new feature, the ability for sddcms to use differend designs in
admin / view will be introduced. This is because some extraordinary designs
look pretty bad with the admin functionality.

Problem is, that every preview page shows the preview with the same admin
design... which is nonsense, because sddcms should show what the user will
actually see. That sould be the website design instead, even if there's a
secondary design configured to be used in the admin.

possible solution:

New feature to load a different design by method and/or by url, but
this shouldn't be saved in the session. This would also be cool if we
make customer modules with specially designed starting/landing pages

- New super-parameter for the template engine (useDesign=16)
- New Template Engine Method to load another template
- Only change design if it really exists
- Previews must be altered by adding the correct parameter call

-> Special modules could call the method without the parameter
which makes it possible for developers to change the design for one module
-> The super-parameter is handled by the construction of the template engine

Blueprint information

Michael Sebel
Needs approval
Michael Sebel
Series goal:
Accepted for 2.3.0
Milestone target:
Started by
Michael Sebel
Completed by
Michael Sebel

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Changing the design could be overkill for many solutions, but it can't
be done in another way since we handle two different designs... it is also
a bit more complicated than expected because the design is globally
handled by a session (which has to be changed while generating and reset
after generating the output, so it won't change the users design).

however, an additional method could be to just define a file string in the
current design: "preview" to load preview.htm instead of design.htm ... but
this should only be provided by a method not a super-parameter. Also it
should be using the stringOps::alphaNumFiles method to prevend loading
files by ../../ etc. references.

-> Planning to do this in 2.3.0 before the release, because I actually need
this functionality for a customer module...


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