
Registered by Andreas Roehler

Delivers a set of functions to return, mover over or
 manipulate a given THING. THING may be a well known
 form as word, paragraph, but also a char class as
 `alnum' or a new defined thing.

For example `ar-alnum-atpt' will return all
 alpha-numerical chars below and around cursor as a
 string. `ar-bounds-of-alnum-atpt' returns the
 borders of that string as a list and so on.

Here some settings:

(global-set-key [(super \()] 'ar-parentize-region-atpt)
 (global-set-key [(super \/)] 'ar-slash-region-atpt)
 (global-set-key [(super \<)] 'ar-lesser-angle-region-atpt)
 (global-set-key [(super \>)] 'ar-greater-angle-region-atpt)
 (global-set-key [(super \[)] 'ar-bracket-region-atpt)
 (global-set-key [(super \\)] 'ar-backslash-region-atpt)
 (global-set-key [(super \{)] 'ar-brace-region-atpt)

Beside of <super>, the key already tells what to pick.
 Quite often used are commands like this:

(global-set-key [(control c)(\")] 'ar-doublequote-or-copy-atpt)
 (global-set-key [(control c)(\')] 'ar-singlequote-or-copy-atpt)

Presently for a given THING the following is


Beside of the mentioned above, esists still a couple of
 functions, whose use is much less probable:


To see what's implemented, consult contents of
 variables at the end of thingatpt-utils-base.el as
 `ar-atpt-delimlist', `ar-atpt-delimited-list', etc.

Call one of the test-functions `C-u ar-th-delimtest'
 with come chars in scratch-buffer
 or any else changable buffer to get an impression.

The idea comes from Mike Williams
 <email address hidden>, author of

The goal is to have a set of similar forms. For
 example, to provide a word with double-quotes around
 it, call ar-doublequote-word-atpt. In a similar way you
 may double-quote not just a word, but any object
 instrumented here as THING. To make parentheses
 around it call ar-parentize-word-atpt, etc.

Move-functions of this package differ from common
 behaviour in such, as `ar-forward-word-atpt' stops
 not after THING, but on the last char of
 THING. That's in order to enable a call of
 thing-at-point functions at the end
 position. Otherwise, when cursor stops after word
 (THING) as does `forward-word', `ar-word-atpt' would return

To see other features, maybe try `ar-separate-list-atpt'
 or `ar-comment-list-atpt' while point is inside a
 list. Try it again with an abstract char-class as
 [:alnum:], i.e. try `ar-comment-alnum-atpt',
 `ar-brace-alnum-atpt' etc.

This utility comes with test-functions which return
 the possible results of most functions (exception
 are the kill-fns). Call th-test, th-mv-test
 or th-delimtest over text. That-delimtest
 changes but restores the buffer. Customize the speed
 of execution via `ar-th-test-delay'

Diffs to basics of required thingatpt.el:
 `bounds-of-thing-at-point' is replaced by a new
 `ar-th-bounds', which now first searches
 backward. As a consequence several
 `beginning-op-at' and `end-op-at' constructs had
 to be rewritten.

Behavior in general is not validating; i.e. if you
 call ar-url-atpt and there is no url, all chars at
 point may be picked, which could be part of a
 url. Sometimes, however, a kind of validation may be

If calling from a program `bounds-of-THING-atpt' is
 recommended as an entry-point. It delivers a list
 with beg and end positions.

In case of trouble, please send me a bug report. Any
 ideas and comments welcome.

You might be interested also to visit Drew Adam's
 which predates this approach and was helpful writing it.

Thing-at-point delivers a portion of the
 buffer. Thats useful, if THING is not as easy to grasp as a word.
 For example the first string of an objekt like:

("4[[:punct:] \t\r\n]? [[:punct:] \t\r\n]?C[[:punct:] \t\r\n]?.[[:punct:] \t\r\n]?2[[:punct:] \t\r\n]?4[[:punct:] \t\r\n]?6[[:punct:] \t\r\n]?4[[:punct:] \t\r\n]?/[[:punct:] \t\r\n]?0[[:punct:] \t\r\n]?3[[:punct:] \t\r\n]? [[:punct:] \t\r\n]?B" . "blah blub B")

Remove comments and put the cursor somewhere into the first
 `ar-doublequoted-atpt' will return it, copied into the kill-ring,
 enabling yanking it and a lot of further actions.
 So far THING is simply picked up.

Different approach combines copying, deleting with delimiting

if region is active:

(global-set-key [(control c) (\")] 'ar-doublequote-or-copy-atpt)

will provide doublequotes at beginning and end of region.

With negative argument it deletes the doublequoted portion under

Without any argument these functions return as their simplier

With universal argument [(control u)] delimiters --i.e. doublequotes, slashes, whatever-- are stripped.

THING as a buffer substring is determined by
 move-functions specified for thingatpt, called
 beginning-op-at and end-op-at. Point is stored
 after move, beginning and end delivered as pair: as
 consed bounds-of-thing. It's easy to write your own
 thing-at-point functions that way. You need the
 caller and both move forms:

(defun MY-FORM-atpt (&optional arg)
   " "
   (interactive "p")
   (ar-th 'MY-FORM arg))

(put 'MY-FORM 'beginning-op-at
            (lambda () MY-FORWARD-MOVE-CODE))

(put 'MY-FORM 'end-op-at
      (lambda () MY-BACKWARD-MOVE-CODE))

For example if you want to pick all chars at point
 which are written between a string "AAA" and a
 "BBB", which may exist as
 AAA Luckily detected a lot of things! BBB
 After evaluation of
 (put 'MY-FORM 'beginning-op-at
      (lambda ()
        (search-backward "AAA" nil 'move 1)
        ;; step chars of search expression back
        (forward-char 3)))

(put 'MY-FORM 'end-op-at
      (lambda ()
        (search-forward "BBB" nil 'move 1)
        (forward-char -3)))
 together with the functions definition above, it's ready.
 M-x MY-FORM-atpt
 (while point inside) you should see:
 " Luckily detected a lot of things! "
 in the minibuffer.

Blueprint information

Andreas Roehler
Andreas Roehler
Andreas Roehler
Series goal:
Accepted for trunk
Informational Informational
Milestone target:
milestone icon 1.5
Started by
Andreas Roehler
Completed by
Andreas Roehler

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