Rapid Photo Downloader 0.4.5beta1 "kabir"

Bug fixes and optimization

Milestone information

Rapid Photo Downloader
Code name:
Damon Lynch
Release registered:
No. Drivers cannot target bugs and blueprints to this milestone.  

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Assigned to you:
No blueprints or bugs assigned to you.
2 Damon Lynch
No blueprints are targeted to this milestone.
2 Fix Released

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Release notes 

  * Increase performance by displaying thumbnails only when
    the scan of all devices has completed.

  * Make progress bar pulse when scanning.

  * Fixed bug #1014203: Very poor program performance after download
    device changed.

  * Added command line options to specify download device.

  * Added extra information to debugging output.

  * Fixed bug #1014219: File Modify process crashes if program exits
    during download.


View the full changelog

To increase performance, thumbnails are now no longer displayed until all
devices have finished being scanned. To indicate the scan is occurring, the
progress bar now pulses and it displays a running total of the number of photos
and videos found. If scanning a very large number of files from a fast device,
the progress bar may pause. If this happens, just wait for the scan to complete.

Fixed bug #1014203: Very poor program performance after download device changed.
The program now displays the results of scanning files much quicker if the
program's download device preferences are changed and a scan begins of a new

You can now specify via the command line whether you would like to automatically
detect devices from which to download, or manually specify the path of the
device. If specified, the option will overwrite the existing program

Added extra information to debugging output.

Fixed bug #1014219: File Modify process crashes if program exits during

0 blueprints and 2 bugs targeted

Bug report Importance Assignee Status
1014203 #1014203 Very poor program performance after download device changed 3 High Damon Lynch  10 Fix Released
1014219 #1014219 File Modify process crashes if program exits during download 5 Low Damon Lynch  10 Fix Released
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