Blueprint assignments for “pyFusker”

This listing shows the assignment of work for blueprints currently associated with pyFusker. The drafter is responsible for getting the specification correctly written up and approved. The approver is usually the person who would sign off on the specification.

18 of 8 specifications
Priority Name Definition Delivery Assignee Drafter Approver
5 Essential pyFusker should have a modular gallery access plugin system. 0 Approved 8 Beta Available Ed Rink Ed Rink Ed Rink
5 Essential pyFusker needs a settings management system. 0 Approved 8 Beta Available Ed Rink Ed Rink Ed Rink
4 High pyFusker should have hotkeys 0 Approved 6 Slow progress Ed Rink Ed Rink Ed Rink
3 Medium pyFusker should have a fullscreen mode 0 Approved 1 Not started Ed Rink Ed Rink Ed Rink
3 Medium pyFusker should try to look for the largest image in a page and auto-fusk it if it can. 0 Approved 1 Not started Ed Rink Ed Rink Ed Rink
3 Medium Photobucket support 0 Approved 1 Not started Ed Rink Ed Rink Ed Rink
3 Medium pyFusker needs to include default fuskers for common names of photo files. 0 Approved 1 Not started Ed Rink Ed Rink Ed Rink
3 Medium Fusker should allow a component for word lists. 0 Approved 8 Beta Available Ed Rink Ed Rink Ed Rink
18 of 8 specifications