All projects

There are 46060 projects registered in Launchpad.

4312643200 of 46060 results
Wput is a command-line ftp-client that looks like wget but instead of downloading, uploads files or whole directories to remote ftp-servers. Features include wget like interface, TLS-encryption, resuming, speed limits, time-stamping, proxying and more.
Maintained by Rumpeltux; Registered
The SmartFactory
The SmartFactory is developing modules and hacks for the XOOPS open source content management system
Maintained by marcan; Registered
Genesis Sync
Genesis is a graphical frontend for SyncEvolution written in PyGTK. It makes SyncEvolution accessible without having to use a command line and provides graphical feedback of transaction results.
Maintained by Frederik Elwert; Registered
Python bindings for the Nautilus file manager's extension interfaces allowing Python code to add menus, property pages, and columns.
Maintained by Jonathan Rogers; Registered
Glossword is a system written in PHP to create and publish online multilingual dictionary, glossary, or encyclopedia.
Maintained by Dmitry-Sh; Registered
Includes Red Hat's PulseAudio enhancements to Adobe's libflashsupport.c.
Maintained by Daniel T Chen; Registered
Scheme on the Microsoft DLR.
Maintained by leppie; Registered
BlaatCast is a cross-platform DJ console that streams music to an Icecast server (in the future also Shoutcast). Planned features are: multiple playlist management, crossfading, jingles, microphone support and some live effects.
Maintained by Blaatcast Developers; Registered
Not quite unlike fetchmail, getmailssh contains programs to fetch mail from a box where you have ssh access, but not pop/imap server running. Currently, the mails need to be in mbox format on the remote side, and will get delivered via rsmtp on your side.
Maintained by StefanPotyra; Registered
Presentaciones de Ubuntu
Presentaciones de Ubuntu
Maintained by Mario César Señoranis; Registered
VPN client yang biasa dipergunakan untuk mengkoneksikan komputer ke internet di lingkungan kampus
Maintained by Rolly Maulana Awangga; Registered
Don't you want a convenient SVNClient for Linux? Why no one make it, for a long time? Thus, I'll make it. I think someday it becomes as convenient as famous SVN Client for Windows.
Maintained by T.Yamada; Registered
Django Recipe
A recipe for zc.buildout to create a working Django setup.
Maintained by djangorecipe maintainers; Registered
a site for use Skype with other guys
Maintained by Skypeu; Registered
CABQ Plone Development
Plone development for the City of Albuquerque, NM.
Maintained by Alex Sielicki; Registered
Minimalist GNU for Windows
Maintained by anatoly techtonik; Registered
justlog easy cms
Maintained by monocult; Registered
LazyHandwriter Font
An open source font based initially on my poor handwriting. Possibly as a replacement for proprietary comic-book type fonts. Aims to have decent unicode support (IE, Latin type languages with diacritics and such)
Maintained by Gryc Ueusp; Registered
RSS Log Formatter
A simple Log Formatter that allows you to run: bzr log --rss And get an RSS feed of the revisions. As a LogFormatter, you get the ability to control ranges, etc with "bzr log --revision X..Y" etc.
Maintained by Bazaar Log RSS developers; Registered
The jWorkSheet is a desktop time tracker application for your projects, data are presented in a spreadsheet like format. Application offers some completed work sheet reports, however you can create your own user reports by a XSL transformations.
Maintained by Paul Ponec; Registered
This was the initial pdisco project. pdisco project has been split into 3 launchpad projects:, and This page will become the superproject for pdisco packages.
Maintained by Institute of Bioinformatics; Registered
Sách Cổ
Sách Cổ is a small tool for capturing metadata for the NLV project of the Vietnamese Nôm Preservation Foundation.
Maintained by Brad Crittenden; Registered
A very simple and basic CMS written in PHP.
Maintained by Svilen Vassilev; Registered
projectM is an awesome music visualizer. There is nothing better in the world of Unix/Linux, and now OS X.
Maintained by Tobster; Registered
Conquest is a Unix/C port of a real-time, multi-player space warfare game that was originally written in RATFOR for the VAX/VMS platform by Jef Poskanzer and Craig Leres. It supports both curses and OpenGL interfaces. Sound is supported as well.
Maintained by Cody A.W. Somerville; Registered
Colony is a game where the player controls a nest of social insects called Zeits. A Zeit is an amalgamation of the characteristics of many different real life social insects, in particular Termites and Ants. The object of the game is to ensure the growth and success of your colony of Zeits against the elements, other insects and rival colonies. The game centers around players making subtle changes to the Zeits and their environment to implement large changes in their behaviour, nest and consequently the success of the Zeit colony. The game will also have a multiplayer aspect where two or more players can set their colonies against each other. In modelling the Zeit behaviour I will look to make use of the research done into Termite behaviour in particular the research done into nest construction.
Maintained by Chris Scutcher; Registered
A ticket tracking system specifically designed around the tasks and scope of a computer repair and support system. Keeps track of tickets, customers, computers and technicians.
Maintained by George Schweizer; Registered
JeguePanel is a panel to provide easy management in Gnu/Linux servers, developed to increase the network administration. Two modules are included in this new version: E-mail Management and Samba Management.
Maintained by JeguePanel; Registered
This is the newt plugin used for keyboard detection.
Maintained by Ubuntu Installer Team; Registered
mintShare is a file sharing tool designed for Linux Mint, it should also be compatible with other linux operating systems. mintShare requires zero configuration and fully integrates into the Linux Mint Desktop.
Maintained by andy_js; Registered
SAGATOR - antivir/antispam gateway for smtp server
Maintained by Ján ONDREJ (SAL); Registered
Ubuntu Java Packages
Packaging for Java related software
Maintained by Matthias Klose; Registered
The ATSlog software provides a handy web-oriented interface for viewing and analysing calls for various types of PBX (Private Branch eXchange) models. The program is GNUWare, distributed under the GPL license, and is completely open-source. At present the program operates successfully with Panasonic, Samsung, Hybrex, Siemens, LG, and Alcatel PBX models. If your particular type of PBX is not supported yet, we can add this functionality. Please claim for additional functionalities using either Forum or Support links.
Maintained by TuLiss; Registered
FreeNX Server
This package contains the FreeNX server itself. The open source alternative to NoMachines's commercial NX Server.
Maintained by FreeNX Team; Registered
Ubuntu CVE Tracker
The Ubuntu CVE Tracking project.
Maintained by Ubuntu Security Team; Registered
Command Line Tool and Library To Eliminate Duplicates and Facilitate Intelligent Merging of Data Structures.
Maintained by Noah Gift; Registered
This language was not created with the intent of being the next big programming language. We want people to say something more like this "After learning Inter I picked up on Java and C++ like a snap and was able to get a great job!" We teach the principles of other languages to make them easy to learn as well as create a widely used language. Software created in Inter will be easily ported to multiple operating systems. We also aim for people to start porting their software to multiple operating systems to help the spread of different operating system use.
Maintained by Devioux; Registered
Don't have a static Ip address? Zanstaen makes your computer accessible via the internet with a unique address
Maintained by Edoardo Batini; Registered
Development of an open source Laboratory Information Management System (LIMS) Aim to create a fully featured tool for registering detailed information into an SQL database with tools for extracting and analysing this data.
Maintained by IAmDaveMyers; Registered
Ubuntu-rescue-remix provides a Free-Libre Open-Source data recovery software toolkit based on Ubuntu
Maintained by Andrew Zajac; Registered
Traffic Prioritizer is designed to run on a linux router and prioritize users' traffic by their bandwidth consumption. It is aimed to shape the "bandwidth greedy" clients (p2p,youtube,IPTV) so that the ones who are just browsing do not lack bandwidth.
Maintained by dima; Registered
Wallpaper fetcher.
Maintained by netcyrax; Registered
Please see for the latest development of NIPY
Maintained by nipy-developers; Registered
SNAW is a web customizable server.
Maintained by fvpat; Registered
Vortex Library
Vortex Library an implementation of the RFC 3080 / RFC 3081, known as the BEEP Core protocol, mapped into TCP/IP layer and written in C.
Maintained by Francis Brosnan; Registered
Packages Ruby programs as Debian Packages. Upload to 'Personal Package Archive' on Modeled after Hoe, Rake, newgem, etc. Hopefully eventually integrate with RubyGems, Rake, Rant, Chrysalis, Hoe, Rubyforge for all-around easy Ruby distribution.
Maintained by Daniel Brumbaugh-Keeney; Registered
Ubuntu security tools
Ubuntu security tools packages
Maintained by Thr3atSeek3r; Registered
Evolution XING Connector
The EXC is an Evolution-Plugin that allows you synchronizing your XING Contacts with a local addressbook. It tries to provide the same features like the official XING Connectors for Outlook and Lotus Notes have.
Maintained by Marius M. M.; Registered
Fabricate is a build tool; more to come later... there is an IRC channel #fabricate on freenode, for folk wanting to play with the bleeding edge. A mailing list for discussion, usage and development is at
Maintained by fab-devs; Registered
Rocrail is a Model Railroad / Railway Control System application written for Linux and Windows in C and C++ based on the wxWidgets class library.
Maintained by Rocrail; Registered
CMS that manage only DATA insert and few things more to mysql DB, developed in PHP
Maintained by Littlebrown; Registered
mkdst is a source repo release tool.
Maintained by Warren Togami; Registered
z3nb0x is a small media center software, written in PHP5, xHTML and Javascript.
Maintained by Registry Administrators; Registered
gOS/Ubuntu 0Install Catalog
The gOS ZeroInstall Catalog is a project with the goal of making ZeroInstall as user friendly as possible on gOS first, then all Ubuntu derivatives. A catalog of all tested software will then be assembled and maintained for easy drag and drop install and running.
Maintained by John Newton; Registered
A very simple application to manage a anime database.
Maintained by fracar; Registered
overblog migration tool
a tool to create a usable export of an overblog blog
Maintained by olivM; Registered
This package contains plugins for the ALSA library that are not included in the main libasound2 package.
Maintained by Daniel T Chen; Registered
Moved: or
Maintained by Erik Hetzner; Registered
A gnome gtk applet c project for a simple applet that displays results from netstat commands. It is way fast simple way to monitor connections while actively browsing the web. The applet focuses on this area and does it well.
Maintained by Zmarlin; Registered
xmpp library and client
Maintained by Dominik Zablotny; Registered
free open-source CMS (to be completed)
Maintained by agnes; Registered
Open Source Prepress Package
Aim of this project is to create set of tools for professional design, prepress and desktop publishing. Main platform for this application is GNU/Linux distribution.
Maintained by Kekeljevic Igor; Registered
Ultra Flexibale Content Mangement System or for short UFCMS, is a CMS targeting poweruser. It will allow you to create and reuse content across a whole page. It's not a portal system and does as such not include any permisson system. THE SYSTEM DOESN'T WORK CURRENTLY, and is still in it's design fase. Seeking Developers.
Maintained by Jck_true; Registered
Virtual Guitar app, small enough for use on portable devices.
Maintained by Pete Savage; Registered
The primary goal is to put ninan on the Ubuntu repository.
Maintained by ninan; Registered
Ubuntu NG
Ubuntu New Generation is a project which aims to create an ubuntu-based distribution that can fit in a single-layer dvd. It features a huge ammount of daily-use software, more drivers, compiz-fusion desktop effects framework, and a cutting edge, brand-new look.
Maintained by javimaker; Registered
Ubuntu Studio Controls (development moved)
An application to adjust settings important to users of multimedia-production programs. (now upstreamed, please see
Maintained by Ubuntu Studio Development; Registered
SKULL is a tool to simplify complicated boolean expression and get a final easy-to-use equivalent result. The program is also able to handle some programming languages used to develop hardware support (such as VHDL and Verilog). SKULL itself has its own programming language featuring a c-like syntax. The code written in SOAP (SKULL Over All Programming language) is then transformed into its VHDL / Verilog equivalent. The programs operates on 'sum of products' expressions and / or on truth tables; variables number may vary and the majority of tasks are done automatically by the program, with no need of the user input.
Maintained by Giulio; Registered
wLex is an interface to that adds structured tables of contents to Estonian legislative acts published there.
Maintained by Peeter P. Mõtsküla; Registered
Fluxus is a scheme programming environment allowing to code 3D animations reacting to external input in real time.
Maintained by Fluxus-maintainers; Registered
opencoin is a system to create a digital payment system, which provides anonymity of the transactions. It is based on David Chaums digicash system.
Maintained by Jörg Baach; Registered
Ubuntu Mini Remix
You want to build your own Ubuntu based livecd, having the complete control over the installed software but you don't know where to start? Minibuntu is here to help you! Ubuntu Mini Remix is a fully working Ubuntu livecd containing only the minimal set of software to make the system work. After downloading Ubuntu Mini Remix you can use Ubuntu Customization Kit, Reconstructor or any other tool to remaster the ISO and add the software/configurations you want, building your own Ubuntu based livecd.
Maintained by Fabrizio Balliano; Registered
Lands of Elderlore
"Lands of Elderlore" is a graphical roguelike in a random and persistent medieval world. It relies mostly on fractal landscapes and procedural cities and dungeons. Lands of Elderlore throws the player in a medieval fantasy world, where he'll have to fight for his life. Exploring stages are followed by battles, character managment, and various quests achievement. Game is both in french and english.
Maintained by Lands of Elderlore developers; Registered
Ubuntu Students Membership Project
The Ubuntu Students team Membership Project promotes membership and orientates new members. This project welcomes new members and helps them get started with one of the team projects. The Membership Project reaches out to existing members and helps them reach the resources they need to pursue their goals within the team. Membership Project participants may also encourage new team members when existing member participation is low.
Maintained by Ubuntu Students; Registered
The goal of this project is to convert the Windows software AVIMux-GUI to Linux
Maintained by Benoit Ebner; Registered
4312643200 of 46060 results