
Milestones belong to a series and can be created from the series page by a project owner or series release manager.

Version Series Expected Released Summary
PPL 0.35 "refactor and optimize" trunk None not yet released This release will refactor and improve existing functionality and fix specifi...
PPL 0.5 "packaged release" trunk None not yet released Packaged release for install on other people's servers. This is more realistic.
PPL 0.4 "write and sync" trunk None not yet released The goal is to have write and sync capabilities working real well so PPL beco...
PPL 0.3 "public release" trunk 2011-03-01 The goal of this release is to get it onto http://people.ito.com and to open ...
PPL 0.2 "minimum viable product review" trunk 2011-02-14 The goal is to get minimum viable product/projects for some review from Joi s...
PPL 0.1 trunk 2010-12-13 lets get this shit out