Unit Templates

Registered by Zygmunt Krynicki

I'd like to propose that we design and implement unit templates and replace all
occurrences of local jobs with equivalent job definition templates



Work Items

Work items:
Rebase the template on top of unit concept, creating generic templates: DONE
Add template representation: DONE
Implement template instantiation: DONE
Implement template validation: DONE
Make Units parametrizable to store template reference (for i18n): DONE
Change session to store units, not just jobs: DONE
Make job a kind of unit: DONE
Add support for loading various types of units: DONE
Add support for loading template units: DONE
Retrofit job loader as unit loader: DONE
Instantiate templates from session controller: DONE
Add template support to dependency solver: INPROGRESS
Reject non-deterministic dependencies during validation: DONE
Make trusted launcher aware of templates: TODO
Add diagnostic support in manage.py: DONE
Merge CEP-1 to plainbox core documentation: TODO
Convert all local jobs to template jobs: INPROGRESS
Adjust resources that may need additional fields: INPROGRESS

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