Percona XtraBackup moved to 2.4.9

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Percona XtraBackup moved to
Hrvoje Matijakovic
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2 Sergei Glushchenko, 12 Vasily Nemkov
2 Implemented
12 Fix Released

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New features:
Packages are now available for Ubuntu 17.10 (Artful).
xbcrypt now can decrypt files in parallel by specifying the number of threads with the --encrypt-threads option.
--copy-back option can now be used with --parallel option to copy the user data files in parallel (redo logs and system tablespaces are copied in the main thread).
Bugs Fixed:
Percona XtraBackup would fail to backup large databases on 32-bit platforms. Bug fixed #1602537.
Percona XtraBackup failed to build with GCC 7. Bug fixed #1681721.
Percona XtraBackup would hang during the prepare phase if there was not enough room in log buffer to accommodate checkpoint information at the end of the crash recovery process. Bug fixed #1705383.
When backup was streamed in tar format with the --slave-info option, output file xtrabackup_slave_info did not contain the slave information. Bug fixed #1707918.
If --slave-info option was used while backing up 5.7 instances, the master binary log coordinates were not properly displayed in the logs. Bug fixed #1711010.
innobackupex --slave-info would report a single m instead of slave info in the standard output. Bug fixed #1727920.
Percona XtraBackup would crash while preparing the 5.5 backup with utf8_general50_ci collation. Bug fixed #1533722 (Fungo Wang).
Percona XtraBackup would crash if --throttle option was used while preparing backups. Fixed by making this option available only during the backup process. Bug fixed #1691093.
Percona XtraBackup could get stuck if backups are taken with --safe-slave-backup option, while there were long-running queries. Bug fixed #1717158.
Other bugs fixed: #1678838, #1727922, and #1729241.

2 blueprints and 12 bugs targeted

Blueprint Priority Assignee Delivery
Add ability for copyback to copy data files in parallel Add ability for copyback to copy data files in parallel 3 Medium Vasily Nemkov  11 Implemented
Rewrite xbcrypt using ds_decrypt Rewrite xbcrypt using ds_decrypt 3 Medium Vasily Nemkov  11 Implemented
Bug report Importance Assignee Status
1678838 #1678838 compilation error: format '%s' expects argument of type 'char*' 2 Critical Vasily Nemkov  10 Fix Released
1602537 #1602537 Xtrabackup 2.4 fails to backup large databases on 32bit platforms 3 High Vasily Nemkov  10 Fix Released
1681721 #1681721 Update bundled libarchive from upstream or remove it 3 High Vasily Nemkov  10 Fix Released
1705383 #1705383 xtrabackup 2.4 prepare hangs at log_reserve_and_open => log_buffer_sync_in_background 3 High Sergei Glushchenko  10 Fix Released
1707918 #1707918 using innobackupx with --slave-info output file xtrabackup_slave_info does not contain slave information in 2.4.8[] 3 High Vasily Nemkov  10 Fix Released
1711010 #1711010 slave-info parse error on 2.4.8 3 High Vasily Nemkov  10 Fix Released
1727920 #1727920 innobackupex --slave-info report a single "m" instead of "slave info" in std output. 3 High Vasily Nemkov  10 Fix Released
1727922 #1727922 Fix test ib_slave_info on centos 6 & 7 3 High Vasily Nemkov  10 Fix Released
1729241 #1729241 Build failure on Ubuntu artful 3 High Sergei Glushchenko  10 Fix Released
1533722 #1533722 xtrabackup crashed during apply 5.5 backup set with utf8_general50_ci collation 4 Medium Vasily Nemkov  10 Fix Released
1691093 #1691093 xtrabackup increment crashes with --prepare --apply-log-only and --throttle 4 Medium Vasily Nemkov  10 Fix Released
1717158 #1717158 Safe-slave-backups stucks with long query 6 Wishlist Vasily Nemkov  10 Fix Released
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