Percona XtraBackup moved to 2.4.4

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Percona XtraBackup moved to
Hrvoje Matijakovic
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12 Sergei Glushchenko
1 Implemented
12 Fix Released

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New features
Percona XtraBackup has been rebased on MySQL 5.7.13.
Bugs Fixed
Percona XtraBackup reported the difference in the actual size of the system tablespace and the size which was stored in the tablespace header. This check is now skipped for tablespaces with autoextend support. Bug fixed #1550322.

Because Percona Server 5.5 and MySQL 5.6 store the LSN offset for large log files at different places inside the redo log header, Percona XtraBackup was trying to guess which offset is better to use by trying to read from each one and compare the log block numbers and assert lsn_chosen == 1 when both LSNs looked correct, but they were different. Fixed by improving the server detection. Bug fixed #1568009.

Percona XtraBackup didn’t correctly detect when tables were both compressed and encrypted. Bug fixed #1582130.

Percona XtraBackup would crash if the keyring file was empty. Bug fixed #1590351.

Backup couldn’t be prepared when the size in cache didn’t match the physical size. Bug fixed #1604299.

Free Software Foundation address in copyright notices was outdated. Bug fixed #1222777.

Backup process would fail if the datadir specified on the command-line was not the same as one that is reported by the server. Percona XtraBackup now allows the datadir from my.cnf override the one from SHOW VARIABLES. xtrabackup will print a warning that they don’t match, but continue. Bug fixed #1526467.

With upstream change of maximum page size from 16K to 64K, the size of incremental buffer became 1G. Which increased the requirement to 1G of RAM in order to prepare the backup. While in fact there is no need to allocate such a large buffer for smaller pages. Bug fixed #1582456.

Backup process would fail on MariaDB Galera cluster operating in GTID mode if binary logs were in non-standard directory. Bug fixed #1517629.
Other bugs fixed: #1583717, #1583954, and #1599397.

1 blueprint and 12 bugs targeted

Blueprint Priority Assignee Delivery
Rebase Xtrabackup 2.4 on MySQL 5.7.13 Rebase Xtrabackup 2.4 on MySQL 5.7.13 4 High Sergei Glushchenko  11 Implemented
Bug report Importance Assignee Status
1550322 #1550322 Prepare error: Tablespace size stored in header is X pages, but the sum of data file sizes is only Y pages 3 High Sergei Glushchenko  10 Fix Released
1568009 #1568009 Assertion failure in lsn_chosen == 1 3 High Sergei Glushchenko  10 Fix Released
1582130 #1582130 Database page corruption detected at page 1 with encryption enabled table full backup 3 High Sergei Glushchenko  10 Fix Released
1590351 #1590351 xtrabackup --backup crashes with empty keyring file 3 High Sergei Glushchenko  10 Fix Released
1604299 #1604299 InnoDB: Progress in percent: InnoDB: Trying to access page number 49664 in space 0, space name innodb_system, which is outside the tablespace bounds 3 High Sergei Glushchenko  10 Fix Released
1222777 #1222777 Update FSF address in copyright notices 4 Medium   10 Fix Released
1526467 #1526467 xtrabackup crashes with docker 4 Medium Sergei Glushchenko  10 Fix Released
1582456 #1582456 Incremental restore in XB 2.4 requires 1+GB of RAM 4 Medium Sergei Glushchenko  10 Fix Released
1583717 #1583717 Memory leak in fil_op_log_parse_or_replay 4 Medium Sergei Glushchenko  10 Fix Released
1583954 #1583954 Memory leak in fil_write_encryption_parse 4 Medium Sergei Glushchenko  10 Fix Released
1599397 #1599397 equal_paths should not crash if paths do not exist 4 Medium Sergei Glushchenko  10 Fix Released
1517629 #1517629 xtrabackup fails with binlogs in non-standard directory 5 Low Sergei Glushchenko  10 Fix Released
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