Percona XtraBackup moved to 2.3.9

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Percona XtraBackup moved to
Hrvoje Matijakovic
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5 Sergei Glushchenko, 3 Vasily Nemkov
No blueprints are targeted to this milestone.
8 Fix Released

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New Features
New xtrabackup --check-privileges option has been implemented that can be used to check if Percona XtraBackup has all required privileges to perform the backup.
Bugs fixed
Percona XtraBackup would crash when being prepared if the index compaction was enabled. Bug fixed #1192834.

Fixed build failure on Debian Stretch by adding support for building with OpenSSL 1.1. Bug fixed #1678947.

xbstream could run out of file descriptors while extracting the backup which contains many tables. Bug fixed #1690823.

Percona XtraBackup incorrectly determined use of master_auto_postion on a slave, and thus generated invalid xtrabackup_slave_info file. Bug fixed #1705193.

Percona XtraBackup would crash while backing up MariaDB 10.2.x with --ftwrl-* options. Bug fixed #1704636.

Along with xtrabackup_checkpints file, xtrabackup now copies xtrabackup_info file into directory specified by xtrabackup --extra-lsndir option. Bug fixed #1600656.

GTID position was not recorded when xtrabackup --binlog-info option was set to AUTO. Bug fixed #1651505.

0 blueprints and 8 bugs targeted

Bug report Importance Assignee Status
1192834 #1192834 Crash during apply with index compaction enabled 3 High Sergei Glushchenko  10 Fix Released
1678947 #1678947 Build failure on Debian Stretch 3 High Sergei Glushchenko  10 Fix Released
1690823 #1690823 streaming backups of large databases fail when receiving side runs pxb 2.3.8 3 High Sergei Glushchenko  10 Fix Released
1705193 #1705193 When GTID_MODE=ON and slave uses MASTER_AUTO_POSITION=0, GTID is used in --slave-info 3 High Vasily Nemkov  10 Fix Released
1135431 #1135431 Check privileges on backup start 4 Medium Vasily Nemkov  10 Fix Released
1704636 #1704636 xtrabackup 2.4.7 crashes while backing up MariaDB 10.2.x with ftwrl-* options 4 Medium Sergei Glushchenko  10 Fix Released
1600656 #1600656 Feature request: Include xtrabackup_info to extra-lsn-dir 6 Wishlist Vasily Nemkov  10 Fix Released
1651505 #1651505 GTID position not recorded when --binlog-info=AUTO 6 Wishlist Sergei Glushchenko  10 Fix Released
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