Percona XtraBackup moved to 2.1.2

This is a hotfix release to fix critical regressions in 2.1.1

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Percona XtraBackup moved to
Alexey Kopytov
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14 Alexey Kopytov, 2 Vlad Lesin
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16 Fix Released

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Release notes 

Percona is glad to announce the release of Percona XtraBackup 2.1.2 for MySQL on May 17, 2013. Downloads are available from our download site here and Percona Software Repositories.

This release fixes number of high-priority bugs since version 2.1 became GA. It’s advised to upgrade your latest 2.1 version to 2.1.2. This release is the latest stable release in the 2.1 series.

Bugs Fixed:

    Using Perl’s DBD::MySQL package for server communication instead of spawning the MySQL command line client introduced a regression which caused innobackupex –galera-info option to fail. Bug fixed #1180672.
    The format of xtrabackup_galera_info was missing the ‘:’ separator between the values of wsrep_local_state_uuid and wsrep_last_committed. Bug fixed #1181222.
    innobackupex automatic version detection did not work correctly for latest Percona Server and MySQL 5.1 releases which could cause innobackupex to fail. Bugs fixed #1181092, #1181099 and #1180905.
    When backing up a server that is not a replication slave with the innobackupex –slave-info option, innobackupex failed with a fatal error. Replaced the fatal error with a diagnostic message about innobackupex –slave-info being ignored in such a case. Bug fixed #1180662.
    Low values for wait_timeout on the server could cause server to close the connection while backup is being taken. Fixed by setting the bigger value for wait_timeout option on the server to prevent server from closing connections if the global wait_timeout value is set too low. Bug fixed #1180922.

Other bug fixes: bug fixed #1177182.


This release does not have a changelog.

0 blueprints and 16 bugs targeted

Bug report Importance Assignee Status
1180672 #1180672 --galera-info fails in 2.1.1 2 Critical Alexey Kopytov  10 Fix Released
1180672 #1180672 --galera-info fails in 2.1.1 2 Critical Alexey Kopytov  10 Fix Released
1180905 #1180905 percona-xtrabackup 2.1 + 5.1 w/ innodb plugin 2 Critical Alexey Kopytov  10 Fix Released
1180905 #1180905 percona-xtrabackup 2.1 + 5.1 w/ innodb plugin 2 Critical Alexey Kopytov  10 Fix Released
1181222 #1181222 Incorrect format of xtrabackup_galera_info in 2.1 2 Critical Alexey Kopytov  10 Fix Released
1181222 #1181222 Incorrect format of xtrabackup_galera_info in 2.1 2 Critical Alexey Kopytov  10 Fix Released
1180662 #1180662 Latest release fails backup with --slave-info if instance is not a slave 3 High Alexey Kopytov  10 Fix Released
1180662 #1180662 Latest release fails backup with --slave-info if instance is not a slave 3 High Alexey Kopytov  10 Fix Released
1181092 #1181092 innobackupex automatic version detection does not work for latest PS/MySQL 5.1 releases 3 High Alexey Kopytov  10 Fix Released
1181092 #1181092 innobackupex automatic version detection does not work for latest PS/MySQL 5.1 releases 3 High Alexey Kopytov  10 Fix Released
1181099 #1181099 innobackupex incorrectly chooses xtrabackup_51 for InnoDB plugin in 5.1 3 High Alexey Kopytov  10 Fix Released
1181099 #1181099 innobackupex incorrectly chooses xtrabackup_51 for InnoDB plugin in 5.1 3 High Alexey Kopytov  10 Fix Released
1177182 #1177182 undefined reference to __bss_start when linking xtrabackup_56 in ubuntu raring 4 Medium Vlad Lesin  10 Fix Released
1177182 #1177182 undefined reference to __bss_start when linking xtrabackup_56 in ubuntu raring 4 Medium Vlad Lesin  10 Fix Released
1180922 #1180922 DBD::mysql error 4 Medium Alexey Kopytov  10 Fix Released
1180922 #1180922 DBD::mysql error 4 Medium Alexey Kopytov  10 Fix Released
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