Comment 6 for bug 665210

Revision history for this message
Andrew Garner (muzazzi) wrote :

I see the build error against the innodb plugin with the original branch as it stands. This branch is quite old (originally submitted over 3 months ago) and this was simply a bug in xtrabackup's patch for the innodb plugin at the time. This branch only modifies the tar4ibd patch in order to support compressed tables so doesn't touch the patch against the plugin whatsoever.

If I do a simple merge with trunk this will work:

$ bzr merge ../percona-xtrabackup/
$ wget ''
$ ./utils/ plugin
$ echo $?

And the built tar4ibd reads a compressed table:
$ mysql -Bse "SHOW CREATE TABLE test.ztest\G"
*************************** 1. row ***************************
       Table: ztest
Create Table: CREATE TABLE `ztest` (
  `id` int(10) unsigned NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT,
  `data` char(32) DEFAULT NULL,
  PRIMARY KEY (`id`)

$ sudo ./mysql-5.1.53/libtar-1.2.11/libtar/tar4ibd -c /var/lib/mysql/test/ztest.ibd | wc -c

But the 1.5 tar4ibd does not:
$ rpm -qf /usr/bin/tar4ibd
$ sudo /usr/bin/tar4ibd -c /var/lib/mysql/test/ztest.ibd | wc -c
The file '/var/lib/mysql/test/ztest.ibd' may not be InnoDB datafile or may be corrupted.
tar_append_tree("/var/lib/mysql/test/ztest.ibd", "/var/lib/mysql/test/ztest.ibd"): Input/output error

I pushed my merged branch up. I don't think this report is invalid at this point but simply testing was done against a pretty old branch of xtrabackup.