Comment 1 for bug 963225

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Rob Smith (kormoc) wrote :

Looking at the code it looks like perhaps the slow query output was changed? I see the code expecting this:
# QC_Hit: %s Full_scan: %s Full_join: %s Tmp_table: %s Disk_tmp_table: %s
# Filesort: %s Disk_filesort: %s Merge_passes: %d
and I have this
# QC_Hit: No Full_scan: Yes Full_join: No Tmp_table: Yes Tmp_table_on_disk: Yes
# Filesort: Yes Filesort_on_disk: Yes Merge_passes: 10

Was this perhaps changed in a later version of percona server? I'm currently running 5.1.56-rel12.7, but that said, I think it is important to allow processing/reprocessing of old slow query logs. For example, when the innodb transaction field hex bug was fixes, I went ahead and reprocessed all my slow query logs and 'found' a few dozen new queries that were masked by the bug